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abbreviation for
(Automotive Engineering) Slovenia (international car registration)
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A SLO typically focuses on the ongoing acceptance and approval of industrial activities by stakeholders and argues for the relevance of building a relationship and dialogue between companies and these stakeholders (as opposed to the government).
Its analysis centers on the three primary participants: Atascadero, SLO and Paso Robles, which pay 97.9% of debt service and whose contributions could not be fully recouped through step-up provisions.
He also urged schools not to hide any form of disciplinary misconduct just to protect the good name of the school, and allow the police, through the SLO to take the necessary course of action.
In addition to a bake sale, SLO prefects provided a multitude of stands for other delectable treats.
The SLO technology works with small pupils and is said by the Dutch manufacturer, i-Optics "to offer greater contrast than a traditional fundus camera and better penetration of media opacities such as cataract."
The compensation figure is among the key highlights revealed in the SLO's annual report for 2013/14.
The current SLO is getting to know all supporter groups, and it was agreed that steps would be taken to set up key contacts within each supporter group for the SLO.
In summary, STANYS takes the position that students who fail to meet the laboratory requirement should not have their Regents exam grade of zero factored into the teacher's final summative SLO rating.
The story of Digital Dogma SLO picks up where the 2009 Label & Narrow Web profile on Digital Dogma left off.
Differently, in our paper, SLO attempts to simulate the foraging behavior of a seven-spot ladybird which is rarely researched in the field of metaheuristic algorithm.
24 June 2011 - Rating agency CRISIL yesterday assigned a B+/"stable" rating to an INR30m (USD668,000/EUR468,000) cash credit of Indian car dealer SLO Automobiles Pvt Ltd.