
(redirected from Pharyngealized)
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tr.v. pha·ryn·gea·lized, pha·ryn·gea·liz·ing, pha·ryn·gea·liz·es
To articulate (a sound such as a dental fricative or stop) with an accompanying constriction of the pharynx.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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They occur not only in some words of Semitic origin but also those of Iranian stock; interestingly ?asb, the pharyngealized form for 'horse', occurs far and wide within the Iranian linguistic zone, including the Lori of Khuzistan, some Central Plateau dialects, and Kulabi Tajik.
When the consonant is a pharyngeal, pharyngealized or glottalized, the V of the infix is mostly a.
First tone vowels are neither pharyngealized, nor accompanied by a glottal stop.
Denton remarks that "the rhotics of the modern European Germanic languages include virtually every conceivable rhotic articulation from labial fricatives to uvular trills and pharyngealized approximants" (2003: 40) and goes on to say that it would be unrealistic to expect the same phonetic value of Germanic *r across all early dialects.
Most salient among these is the existence of pharyngealized consonants in Mrs.
26-27), and the further diagrams showing the opposition of pharyngealized /s/ vs.