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n.1.An imitative word; an onomatopoetic word.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Bua means 'massacre', anda serpentine inference is evoked by the sibilant onomatope 'si'.
Iversen says (ibid.) "[t]he origin of this onomatope is to be found in Greek 'karakaksa' Elster (Pasp.
Of course I am tempted to see in the English verb 'hush: to repress the agitation or clamor of' (Webster, 1976) a lexicalized trace of the huchement, particularly as the dictionary tells us that the verb was reconstructed from a Middle English onomatope husht 'used to enjoin silence'.
She went on to mention several musical onomatopes which the language of the Romans has bequeathed to the English tongue: murmur, susurrus, sonorous, resonant, Ulalume (made over by Poe from the Latin ululare); as well as harsh vocables like strident.