Their other counters came courtesy of Daniel
Nowd, Jamie Kelly, Jeremy Allen and Matthew Huntley, Stephen Agnew replying for Blackhill.
GRADE 9: Derek Balle, Zachary Barbagallo, Mariah Batallas, Kailey Butler, Jonathan Carlson, Emily Colon, Shannon Cormier, Mikaela Cotto, Shakira Genao, Christopher Haverty, Cassandra Jerszyk, Nathan Kay, Kalli Kozloski, Rylee LeBlanc, Jillian
Nowd, Thomas Parker, Katrina Reilly, Clariseliz Rivera, Selenia Santiago, Faith Stevenson-LeBlanc, Isaiah Tammaro Graves
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Fitchburg: Matthew Capone, Jacob Gagnon Stephanie Georges, Anthony Iannuzzi, Terace Kendall, Stevie LaFleur, Tatyana Masci, Tatiana Martinez, Scott Marvell, Jillian
Nowd, Iris Pichardo, Ivan Quiles, Selena Valadez, Tejada Xena
Sam Sutherland of Fitchburg, with his partner James Walton of Princeton, took third place for their group exhibit, "Medieval Classes and Their Rights and Responsibilities;'' Ben Niose of Lunenburg, along with his partners James Trieu of Leominster and Michael Nowd of Fitchburg, won third place with their website on "Curt Flood: Case for Free Agency.'' They also won a prize from the Worcester Sharks for their project, which connected to the history of sports.
Trieu, Nowd and Jack Consolo of Leominster, with his partner Jimmie Harkins of Pepperell, took second place for their website on the "Rights and Responsibilities of Slaves and Citizens in Ancient Rome.''
Grade 9: Derek Balle, Felicia Bard, Mariah Batallas, Jacob Boivin, Kailey Butler, Kylie Cormier, Shannon Cormier, Tanner Cote, Ryan Floria, Jake Gallant, Patience Hutchful, Anthony Iannuzzi, Kyle Leger, Trevor MacMaster, Ryan Maguire, Jillian
Nowd, Thomas Parker, Madeline Quero, Alexander Rivera, Selena Sanchez, Faith Stevenson-LeBlanc, Nicholas Sullivan,
Michael Nowd has played youth football for eight years, most of that time with the same group of boys who make up the Lunenburg Bengals.
"It sounds goofy, but we're a family,'' said Michael's mom, Dianne Nowd. "The support for Michael is completely blowing my mind.
Nowd has offered an eminently reasonable solution: The AYF grants Michael a waiver to finish the season, and then makes a specific ruling for students who skip a grade.
"As I said at the awards banquet, they played as a total team," Chocksett coach Diane Nowd said.
"It was a fun season, and a successful season," Nowd said.