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Related to Montanism: Monarchianism, Donatism


the 2nd-century doctrines of Montanus of Phrygia, who believed that the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, dwelt within him and made him its instrument for guiding men in the Christian way. Cf. Tertullianism. — Montanist, n.
See also: Heresy
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Montanism was a denial of the divine nature of the Church.
Additionally, to highlight his importance for Orthodox theology, Orthodox writers have often called Tertullian a "Doctor of the Church." The Catholic Church does not list him as a Doctor of the Church due to his later acceptance of the heresy of Montanism. Nevertheless, Tertullian remained a member of the Church, which values his polemic, Against Marcion.
She notes that the New Prophecy (Montanism) had been criticized as avaricious by early apologists for paying their clergy with donations, but she does not document how much they were paid in proportion to how much they gave the poor.
This, in a nutshell, is the argument of Kelly's monograph, which dedicates a chapter to each of five heresies and their contexts: Montanism in the early church, Monophysitism in the age of the christological councils, Catharism in the Middle Ages, Modernism in late-19th- and early-20th-century Roman Catholicism, and analogous forms of Modernism in Protestantism.
reaction against Montanism and its prophetic excesses, the growth of an
is believed to be constructed to provide access to the ancient Phrygian town of Pepuza, which was believed to be the headquarters of Montanism. Archeologists from the United States and Germany are working in the area to prove this thesis.
There are four topics covered in these early sections: martyrdom and virginity in the first and second century, aberrant movements (Encratism, Montanism, Neoplatonism, and Gnosticism), Clement of Alexandria, and Origen.
Among the topics are the outbreak of Montanism, the meaning of witness in the Apocalypse, martyrdom as a gift, and the hagiographic dossier of a saint.
Tabbernee, William, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianea 84.