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As an example relevant to the findings reported here, Lucernaria is often grouped with Haliclystus to the exclusion of Lucernariopsis because both the former have muscles in the peduncle.
On the basis of our examinations, we find that these specimens belong to a new species, described here as Lucernaria janetae.
The Invisorb extraction kit (Invitek GmbH, Berlin) was used to obtain DNA from one specimen each of Lucernaria janetae (FMNH 10329) preserved in 95% ethanol, Craterolophus convolvulus (Johnston, 1835), Depastromorpha africana Carlgren, 1935, and an undescribed species of Haliclystus.
In terms of number of individuals and biomass, Lucernaria janetae is the dominant macrofaunal organism where it occurs.
Most species of Stauromedusae are small (< 40 mm width or height); Lucernaria comprises all described species of Stauromedusae having an adult calyx diameter larger than 50 mm (Kramp, 1961).