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(ˈleɪzəˌdɪsk) or


(Computer Science) a disk similar in size to a long-playing record, on which data is stored in pits in a similar way to data storage on a compact disc, used esp for storing high-quality video
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The release of this footage coincides with another similar recent development where a Laser-disc from the Lucasfilm archives which featured 30 minutes of behind-the-scenes footage from Return of the Jedi, was sold on eBay, fetching [pounds sterling]435.
In our closing keynote by the 2011 Teacher of the Year, educational technology was pointedly characterized as just another thing in the classroom, like overhead projectors and laser-disc players.
Fitzgerald started researching Singin' in the Rain 10 years ago for the musical's 40th anniversary laser-disc release.
Pioneer Corp., the world's sole manufacturer of laser-disc (LD) players, will stop making the products in March next year, company officials said Thursday.
(The baritone learned the role of Gunther especially for this recording.) Wolf fails to mention that this video also contains the singer's first television interview, and she does not list the catalog number of the laser-disc edition.
A home theater is basically a stereo large-screen color television (25 inches or larger), a receiver with surround-sound capabilities, four or more speakers and a hi-fi VCR, laser-disc or DVD player.
The following activities in the program use computer and laser-disc tools to support rich discussions and enable children to share their readings and written work with other people:
Both elegiac and vulgar, Chris Marker's Silent Movie, 1994-95, a tower of steel posts, airplane cable, laser-disc players, and video monitors, celebrates the singular way in which film eroticizes not just the face, but also the gesture.

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