The pastoral was rooted in European gentility--a gentlemanly retirement to the country or a
laborless agrarian escapism.
Williams points to the fantasy of
laborless production on which such poems rely while reminding us of the "actual" laborers who were supplying the bounty that "To Penshurst" attributes to the hospitable beneficence of the Sidney family alone.
For example, as a rule, exploitation,
laborless profits, bribery and corruption are sins.
(9.) Bashkow*s wonderful book, The Meanings of Whitemen, on the perceptions of white men of the Orokaiva, a people living in the southeastern tip of Papua New Guinea, provides reason to believe that the perception of white people as essentially
laborless was widespread.
Kaufmann, Richard Brome: Caroline Playwright (New York: Columbia University Press, 1961); Matthew Steggle, Richard Brome: Place and Politics on the Caroline Stage (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004); and Adam Zucker, "
Laborless London: Comic Form and the Space of the Town in Caroline Covent Garden" Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 5, no.
But there is no denying the love that undergirds the author's labor or the seemingly
laborless way in which he calls these dead pages back to life.
Laborless kiosks--whether we arc talking about coin counters, video or photo-can be the most profitable floor space in your store, but they require retailers to change the way they view their business model," he says.
Adam Zucker notes how both Brome and Nabbes 'drew upon the technology of their stages (the Cockpit for Nabbes and probably the Blackfriars for Brome) to reproduce the architecture of the Covent Garden piazza'; see '
Laborless London: Comic Form and the Space of the Town in Caroline Covent Garden', The Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 5 (2005), 102.
* Logistics operations will be paperless and "near
By positing Lady Sidney as the emblem of the estate, Jonson can cultivate and contain both the "natural" desires of golden age -
laborless - communality and the privatized desires that stand in formal opposition to them.
The emphasis on self-serve is "
laborless from a consumer and staffing point of view," explains McDonald.