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abbreviation for
(Telecommunications) long time no see
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References in periodicals archive ?
Although our specific interest here is indexation to the IMA-B, to a great extent the method presented can be adapted to indexation of portfolios to the IMA-C, with the manager using NTN-Cs for this purpose, or to the IRF-M, using LTNs and NTN-Fs.
Therefore, a possible extension for the proposed method is its adaptation for indexing to the IRF-M, when LTNs and NTN-Fs must be used to structure the portfolio.
No mercado brasileiro, ela pode ser obtida facilmente a partir de titulos publicos prefixados (LTN e NTN-F) e indexados a inflacao (NTNB).
Even so, when we examine the turnover (v) of the main securities making up the DPMFi, we notice in Figure 4 that the NTN-B have a good space to develop its secondary market and its liquidity, in comparison, for example with the LFT, LTN and even with the NTN-F.
O indice passou a ser divulgado a partir de 1 de abril de 2005 apos uma iniciativa do Tesouro Nacional que, diante da lacuna de referenciais para avaliar a performance de carteiras de renda fixa, propos a ANDIMA (Associacao Nacional das Instituicoes do Mercado Financeiro) a divulgacao de indices referenciados nas carteiras de NTN-B, NTN-C e LFT, somados ao IRF-M, indice composto pelas LTNs e NTN-Fs, ja divulgado pela associacao.
(2007) mostram que os tres primeiros componentes principais da curva de juros extraida das Letras do Tesouro Nacional (LTN) explicam 94% dos movimentos.