LASIK surgery

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LASIK surgery

(Surgery) laser surgery to correct short sight
[C20: from Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis]
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The story kicks off when Vic, having just gotten Lasik surgery to deal with his failing eyesight, gets a hot tip about an exchange where Tedjo will be present.
This pivotal clinical trial is a multicenter, prospective, open label, non-randomized study being conducted in the United States, evaluating the effectiveness of the Technolas Teneo 317 (model 2) excimer laser in LASIK surgery for myopia or myopic astigmatism.
iDESIGN, which was created by Johnson & Johnson, helps create a high-definition map of a person's eyes that can help guide doctors performing LASIK surgery, a procedure that uses a laser to reshape the cornea of the eye to treat nearsightedness, astigmatism, and farsightedness. 
The report on the personalized LASIK surgery market analyzes the current and future scenario of the global market.
Summary: The report on the personalized LASIK surgery market analyzes the current and future scenario of the global market.
Patients who undergo traditional LASIK surgery often complain about issues such as light sensitivity, glare, and difficulty while driving at night and reading.
A Twitter post claims, "Elective LASIK surgery is offered to all female migrants in family detention.
George Bekov (PhD) in San Francisco since 1998 with over 30 years experience manufacturing and developing medical and LASIK surgery lasers.
Patients from GCC, Jordan, and Lebanon, have a great interest in hair transplantation and eye surgery and treatments, such as Lasik surgery and lens replacements, which are very popular in Istanbul and Kusadasi.
Around the year 2004, I heard of Lasik surgery, which seems to have solved many of my close friends and relatives' eye problems.
"The LASIK surgery was very successful for Oksana and has helped to break down some performance barriers, especially in the sport of biathlon.
Inclusion criteria for hyperopic LASIK surgery were hyperopia between +0.50 and +8.50 diopters (D) and/or hyperopic astigmatism up to 4.75 D, with the presence of patient motivation for the refractive surgical correction of their refractive error.