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(Hinduism) (in Hindu mythology) the fourth (present) age of the world, characterized by total decadence
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"Extensive politicisation and commercialisation is destroying Tirumala worship which is 'Kaliyuga Vaikintam' for us.
(7.) Heinrich von Stietencron, "Calculating Religious Decay in The Kaliyuga in India," in Hindu Myth, Hindu History: Religion, Art and Politics (Delhi: Permanent Black, 2005), 31-49.
When Havilder Kesri Singh gets disillusioned with war and asks Baboo Nob Kissin the real cause and achievement of so much death and destruction, the latter replies that in the epoch of apocalypse, the kaliyuga, the English have come to China and to Hindustan because "these two lands are so populous that if their greed is aroused they can consume the whole world" (Ghosh, "Flood" 509).
Here is the sting in the tail: "To understand Kaliyuga (end times), don't look at the man next door.
The mythical aeon called Kaliyuga may historically be identified with the Islamic period culminating in the present day globalization that has destroyed the rigors of Brahmanism altogether.
Moreover, though it is tempting to see in these verses a reference to the contemporary scene in Benares, in the Ram Carit Manas they are part of the crow Bhusundi's first life story, his birth as a sudra in Ayodhya in Kaliyuga (RCM 7.97).
They were not bricks for a building that cut open the nation; It was a journey for building a great mansion of unity." He makes another strong point on the Babri Masjid demolition: " The fire of communal hatred, the lava of odious vengeance brought down three domes; the culture of the epochs, Treta, Dwapara and Kaliyuga, the endless chants of the great cultural conquest -- what did all these yield?" " The ideal of ' Ramarajya' has remained a dream.
Comedian Chittibabu, who has starred in films including Pallituri Bawa, Vijaya, Pichi Panthulu, Kaliyuga Pandavulu and Edda Prapancham, is also on the bill to perform.
However Tibetan masters maintained that it was taught during the Kaliyuga ("aeon of strife").
He is to be incarnated at the end of the present aeon, Kaliyuga, as a brahmin called Kalki Vishnungasha in the village Sambhala.