Judah ha-Nasi

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Judah ha-Nasi

(Biography) ?135–?220 ad, rabbi and patriarch of the Sanhedrin, who compiled the Mishnah
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(2.) Rabbi Judah Ha-Nasi, or Judah the Prince, is credited with being the compiler/editor of the Mishna and its most authoritative teacher.
This should not surprise us, as there were many of his colleagues who expressly prohibited the work to be read.(6) It may well have been the case that, although Judah Ha-Nasi, editor of the Mishnah, did not share their antipathy towards Ben Sira, and may have been quite prepared to include even a specific quotation from that work, yet he may well have been totally unaware of the origin of that quotation by Rabbi Levitas, and may consequently have assumed it to have been an original statement by the latter.
The codification was given final form early in the 3rd century AD by Judah ha-Nasi. The Mishna supplements the written, or scriptural, laws found in the Pentateuch.