It's pretty good

It's pretty good 
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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"Laugh at their poor joke and tell 'em it's pretty good for a Horner.
"Yes," she said, "it's pretty good. Upstairs and downstairs," she sighed.
"All I know is it's pretty good to be alive a day like this."
"It's pretty good authority, I think--a man who knows most of what goes on in Middlemarch.
I had a bit of ice on it but it's pretty good. I'm feeling pretty confident with it all and have been throughout the tournament so far."
"There was one person who did say that there's not that much choice, but when you're getting PS20 worth of shopping for PS2.50, it's pretty good.
Dad Paul, 47, from Surrey, said: "It's pretty good of him...very mature." But he joked the haul had not come cheap: "I dread to think how much we spent."
Super tried out the whole Medley menu, and it's pretty good (if you don't mind BGC prices).
It's pretty good news for your figure too - all that lower-body power does wonders for your hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes, and it's easier on your joints than running.
Actually I've looked at my power and it's pretty good, but I'm not going to match them.
"It's pretty good to beat time-triallists like Tony Martin and Tom Dumoulin," the Australian rider said after his victory.
"It's pretty good," Philips, sounding confident, told Tempo-Bulletin after the two-hour long training session where she took center stage alongside national team veterans, led by former Ateneo superstar Alyssa Valdez and several La Salle standouts.