Indigo purple

Related to Indigo purple: Indigo blue, Indigo green
a purple obtained from indigo.

See also: Indigo

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
In early spring, crinkled tufts of indigo purple push their way up through the shingle at the end of last year's corky stems.
Make eyes pop by lining them all around with vibrant indigo purple, then dust lids with shimmery champagne and rich, metallic bronze in the creases.
The selection of eye shadow includes pink, smoky grey, bright blue, black with gold and black with blue glitter and indigo purple, all for pounds 14.95.
In spring, crinkled tufts of indigo purple push their way through the shingle at the end of last year's corky stems.
Specifically, she called the colour 'that complexity, that marriage, between the passionate red violets and the strong indigo purples'.