Responses to Marx's Capital: From Rudolf Hilferding to Isaak
Illich Rubin
I remember vividly that it was Wednesday, February 10, 2016, when Alexandra and I were listening to Ivan
Illich interpret the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
In his book, 'Gender,' author Ivan
Illich invented the term 'shadow work' to designate the unrecognized and unpaid time an employee must spend preparatory to doing recognized or paid work.
The Prophet of Cuernavaca: Ivan
Illich and the Crisis of the West.
L'Orchestre symphonique national (OSN), dirige par le maestro Amine Kouider, a gratifie, samedi dernier au soir, le public algerois d'un florilege de pieces du celebre compositeur russe, Piotr
Illich Tchaikovski, avec la participation exceptionnelle du grand violoniste Russe, Sergei Stadler.
According to
Illich, these practices are key to experiencing leadership as a way of being so that the "doing" springs forth from a deeper source.
College President Paul
Illich says the 15-county district is looking at ways to expand its reach beyond its campuses in Beatrice, Lincoln and Milford.
I've been re-reading Ivan
Illich's book Tools for Conviviality, first published in 1973.
Beyond economics and ecology: the radical thought of Ivan