Huckleberry Finn

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Noun1.Huckleberry Finn - a mischievous boy in a novel by Mark TwainHuckleberry Finn - a mischievous boy in a novel by Mark Twain
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also the narrative poem "Huck Finn at forty-one" by Jeffrey Franklin (2001), the dramatic monologue "Huck Finn at ninety" by James Schevill (1978), Bernard Sabath's play The boys in autumn (1981) featuring Huck and Tom as middle-aged men in the Roaring Twenties, Lee Smith's The last girls (2002) subtitled by one reviewer "Huckleberry Fin de Siecle", and Nancy Rawles's nuanced critical dialogue with Twain's work, a retelling of the story of Jim from the point of view of his wife, My Jim: A novel (2005).