Host plant

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Related to Host plant: parasitic plant, host cells
1.(Agric.) A plant which aids, shelters, or protects another plant in its growth, as those which are used for nurse crops.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The dodder builds a canopy on the host plant and casts thousands of tendrils to form a dense spectacle before it strangles it.GERMINATIONAccording to scientists, the weed spreads mainly through contaminated crop seed, although vegetative spread is also possible.
Chinavia hilaris fed and successfully developed to adults on mimosa fruit (i.e., pods), confirming mimosa as a reproductive host plant for this stink bug.
It is not currently thought to cause any problems for the host plant beyond the unsightliness of the egg masses, which resemble a white wrapping around the branches, the horticultural experts said.
In this context, this experiment investigated under field and laboratory conditions the influence of the host plant of P.
Aphis gossypii with 17 host plant species was the most polyphagous species followed by Myzus persicae and Aphis fabae that infested 15 and 12 host plant species respectively.
Most of the damage is caused during the larval stages, when the larvae feed on and tunnel through the woody portion of the host plant trunk.
Dietary requirement and fitness of phytophagous insect pest depend upon the nutrient chemistry of host plant. The present research was carried out to investigate the association of host-plant-preference and mortality of Phenacoccus solenopsis first instar influenced by chemical characteristics of plant species.
The injuries presented by these plants as partial or total plant dry is similar with those observed for some species of Diaspididae, differing from damage mentioned by Howell and Kosztarab (1972) to some members of Lecanodiaspididae that typically cause a depression in the host plant's tissues and often distortion of the shoots.
MULTAN -- The Cotton Research Station (CRS) discovered lady finger (Okra- vegetable) as second host plant of Pink Bollworm, which has been damaging cotton crop seriously for last three years.
More recently, studies have shown that several macromolecules move from the host plant to dodder, including proteins (Haupt et al., 2001) and phloem-mobile mRNA transcripts (Roney et al., 2007).
In order for a grapevine to be infected by PD, it must be a susceptible variety and there must be an insect vector present to transmit the bacteria from a host plant to the susceptible vine when the insect feeds on the vine's tissue.