High Court of Justiciary

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High Court of Justiciary

(Law) the senior criminal court in Scotland, to which all cases of murder and rape and all cases involving heavy penalties are referred
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References in classic literature ?
The prisoner was placed at the Bar, before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh.
The High Court of Justiciary ruled the extradition would be illegal, as Dean would face two additional charges in Taiwan related to his alleged absconding, charges not on the original extradition request.
He said it was "only by her good fortune and perhaps yours" that Dunn was not tried at the High Court of Justiciary for murder.
"As Lord Carloway recognised at the original hearing before the High Court of Justiciary in February, the equivalent English provisions allow courts there to set aside such fines.
But judges at the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh have told him he has been unsuccessful.
But the 61-year-old is back home in East Kilbride after his appeal was upheld at Edinburgh's High Court of Justiciary.
"He applied to the High Court of Justiciary to abandon his appeal."
Arguments and decisions in remarkable cases before the High Court of Justiciary and other supreme courts in Scotland.
The appeal will be heard before the High Court of Justiciary sitting at Glasgow High Court on Monday 28 June 2004.