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(Biochemistry) biochem having polynucleotide strands derived from two different sources
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The crystal of Cas9 shows that it is a bi-lobed structure in which the central nucleic acid recognition (REC) lobe (that consists of bridge helix, Rec1, and Rec2 domains) along with NUC lobe (which consists of RuvC, the HNH, and the PAM-interacting domains) forms a channel to accommodate the negatively charged sgRNA-target DNA heteroduplex [42] (Figure 4).
However, none of these approaches are of high resolution nor do they investigate heteroduplex detection critical for solution genotyping used in high-resolution melting.
The amplicons were re-annealed to form a heteroduplex DNA structure after denaturation.
Tiecke et al (6), identified this mutation by heteroduplex screening in two unrelated patients with severe clinical involvement, who were not members of their initial screening group.
Detection of hemi/homozygotes through heteroduplex formation in high-resolution melting analysis.
Although, investigators have applied different methods (Gene Scanning and Heteroduplex gel electrophoresis) to detect rearrangements, both approaches have similar sensitivities in clonality PCR assays [14].
In case of ITD-mutant exon-11 of c-kit, the PCR product of mutant exon-11 usually consists of 3 subsidiary bands of 191 bp heterogenous normal alleles, 250 bp mutated alleles, and the heterodimerization (heteroduplex) between normal and mutant alleles as the largest fragments [13, 14].
TCR beta variable genes (TCRBV) were amplified, after RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis, using TCRBV-specific primers; then PCR products were subjected to heteroduplex analysis [17].
In order to confirm the polymorphisms within genome specific genes, the heteroduplex hybridization digestion pattern was compared to the ones obtained in each single genotype.