Hawaiian shirt

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Related to Hawaiian shirt: Aloha shirt

Hawaiian shirt

A loose-fitting, collared shirt made of a colorfully printed fabric and usually having short sleeves and buttons down the front. Also called Aloha shirt.

[From the fact that the style originated in Hawaii.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Hawai′ian shirt′

a short-sleeved sport shirt orig. of Hawaii, made of light fabric with colorful designs, esp. of birds and flowers.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

Hawaiian shirt

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His yellow Hawaiian shirt was vintage but we spotted this similar-looking piece at Mango where it has been reduced from PS35.99 to PS29.99.
Taking inspiration from carnivals, festivals and the classic Hawaiian shirt, it's a fun and colourful collection packed with playful prints that will work just as well on the beach as they will when you want to be sipping something cool at the bar.
Hawaiian shirt, PS16, Graduate Fashion Week Tu Clothing; shorts, PS16, Burton; sandals, PS65, Bertie at Dune London Don't be afraid to play with print and colour for a fun holiday wardrobe.
Hampshire Constabularyhave released CCTV stills of a man in a Hawaiian shirt whom they wish to speak to in connection with the incident.
ALOHA boys - it's time to trim your moustache and fluff up your chest hair for Magnum P.I.'s trademark Hawaiian shirt is back in fashion.
In one of the photos, Seo is wearing a Hawaiian shirt, posing at a local market in Bangkok.
To ensure that there was an element of fun, we decorated the practice and I dressed in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. The talk was 20 minutes, during which I was able to explain, in much more detail than I am afforded during the final two minutes of a sight test, the dangers of UV on the eyes.
The ultimate souvenir from paradise, a staple piece for any thrift store, and the uniform of many a chill dad: the Hawaiian shirt. As uncomplicated as the garment itself seems, its history is not.
For 25 years my warm weather covering garment of choice has been the ubiquitous Hawaiian shirt, but I never get to wear them in article photos or on TV because they are too "busy." Or maybe the word was "ugly." But now I get a chance not just to wear one in photos but also to recommend it to Handguns readers: the new tactical Hawaiian shirts from Blackhawk.
For a subtle hint of Hawaiian shirt, try a sleeveless blouse shape and wear buttoned up to the top to show off the print to the max.
"I saw him wearing a Hawaiian shirt and an American cap, with a cigar in his mouth," Terlizzi told the court.

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