Gemini telescope

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Gemini telescope

(Astronomy) either of two identical 8-metre telescopes for optical and near-infrared observations built by an international consortium. Gemini North is in Hawaii at an altitude of 4200 m on Mauna Kea and Gemini South is in Chile at 2715 m on Cerro Pachón
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Kalas used both the Gemini Planet Imager on the Gemini Telescope in the Chilean Andes and the Hubble Space Telescope to look more closely at HD 106906 and discovered that the star has a lopsided comet belt, as well.
Follow-up observations from the Gemini Telescope in Hawaii and the Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona confirmed the redshift the galaxy - the shift in radiation towards the longer, redder end of the spectrum - and helped the team confirm its distance.
With the newest discovery observed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Hubble Space Telescope and the Hawaii-based Gemini Telescope, researchers predicted that homogeneous objects in space can be located in uncommon galaxies.
I replaced it in late 2010 with a Celestron 11 'Edge HD' (8) riding on a Gemini Telescope Design G42 German equatorial.
"We were surprised by how easily the Gemini telescope was able to recover such a faint asteroid so low in the sky," Wainscoat said.
Subaru and the northern Gemini telescope have also begun to utilize LGS systems this year, and Keck I is expected to follow suit in 2008.
Using data from the Gemini Telescope in Hawaii, the scientists calculated that this ultra-long gamma-ray burst had a redshift of 0.847.
Speckle imaging with the Gemini telescope will provide Kepler's follow-up program with a doubling in its ability to resolve objects and validate Earth-like planets.
The RS232 to the Gemini telescope controller is fed from a USB to RS232 converter.
An infrared image obtained by the Gemini telescope as recently as May 1 of this year confirmed that the warm dust has now been gone for two-and-a-half years.
Keck Observatory 10 m (Keck I & II) Gemini Telescope 8 m Subaru Telescope 8 m Submillimeter Array 12 x 6 m Proposed telescope Aperture University of Hawaii - Hilo 1 m Conventional optical/infrared 4-12 m telescope Next generation large telescope 25+ m Existing telescope Proposed action University of Hawaii On-site redevelopment (2-3 m) University of Hawaii On-site redevelopment (4-12 m) Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope On-site redevelopment (4-12 m) United Kingdom Infrared On-site redevelopment Telescope (4-12 m) NASA Infrared Telescope Facility On-site redevelopment (4-12 m) Caltech Submillimeter Observatory No proposed changes James Clerk Maxwell Telescope No proposed changes (Submillimeter) Very Large Baseline Array (Radio) No proposed changes W.