
(redirected from Garifuna people)
Related to Garifuna people: Garinagu


n. pl. Garifuna or Garifu·nas
1. A member of a people of Carib, Arawak, and African ancestry living along the Caribbean coast of Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, and Nicaragua. The Garifuna were deported to the area in the late 1700s after their defeat by the British on the island of St. Vincent, where shipwrecked and escaped African slaves had intermarried with the indigenous population beginning in the early 1600s.
2. The Arawakan language spoken by the Garifuna.

[American Spanish Garífuna, from Proto-Carib *karipona, Carib.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Dangriga is the cultural capital of the Keel-billed toucan FROM PAGE 29 Garifuna people who, in traditional boats and costumes on every November 19, re-enact their 19th century arrival in Belize from the Caribbean island of St Vincent.
Thus, as Leland's latest project continued to actively confront and dismantle longstanding stereotypes about Kalinago/ Garifuna people, Walt Disney Pictures was reinforcing them.
Few things give a culture pride as does heritage and few embody heritage as do the Garifuna people of Roatan.
Robert Charlotte's series of portraits of the Garifuna people of St Vincent tell the through of story of the artist's encounter with his Caribbean brothers and the Garifunas' strong will to remain free.
It is form of dance created by Garifuna people and is generally performed during festivities.
That region is also home to the Garifuna people and to the Guadalupe Carney campesino community that has been a locus of resistance and land reclamation efforts.
These arguments adopt international indigenous rights discourse which tend to essentialize women as bearers of culture and responsible for the survival of the Garifuna people. They also adopt international development discourse which pits development (read: modernity) against a static indigenous community (read: tradition).
In 1795 the British finally defeated the Kalinago and the Garifuna people. The Kalinago are the indigenous people whom the British and the
org and, and learned about the Garifuna American Heritage Foundation, dedicated to preserving the uniqueness of the culture, history, language, music, arts, crafts, foods and values of the Garifuna people. I was captivated and anxious to learn more.