Gang of Four

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Related to Gang of Four: Cultural Revolution, Jiang Qing, Zhou Enlai

Gang of Four

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the Gang of Four a radical faction within the Chinese Communist Party that emerged as a political force in the spring of 1976 and was suppressed later that year. Its members, Zhang Chunqiao, Wang Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan, and Jiang Qing, were tried and imprisoned (1981)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Gang of Four

A group of radical Chinese Communist leaders, including the widow of Mao Zedong, advocating revolutionary rather than economically pragmatic policies in power 1974–76. They were tried and condemned in 1980.
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This ridiculously unsuitable name struck one as an impertinence towards the memory of the most charming of goddesses; for, apart from the fact that the old craft was physically incapable of engaging in any sort of chase, there was a gang of four children belonging to her.
Gbenga reported that while walking along Makueni Road within Kileleshwa at around 9pm, he was accosted by a gang of four men on board a white Toyota Axio registration number KCE 567B.
According to police, two unknown a gang of four robbers - were looting people at gunpoint on SITE Super Highway when a police team reached the scene.
KARACHI -- Karachi police on Friday busted a gang of four car lifters involved in theft of more than 29 vehicles from different areas of the metropolis.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Mar 17 (ANI): Delhi Police on Sunday claimed to have busted a gang of four robbers allegedly notorious for looting ATMs.
KARACHI: Five people were injured over resistance during a robbery bid in Korangi area of the city on late Sunday night.According to police sources, a gang of four robbers, riding on two motorcycles, entered a milk shop near Ghous Pak road in Korangi and tried to loot cash and other valuables.
That echoes Labour Gang of Four Roy Jenkins, David Owen, Bill Rodgers and Shirley Williams announcing in 1981 they would "break the mould of British politics" with the SDP.
IT was in the early 1980s that a left-wing leader of the Labour party, Michael Foot, stated that his government when elected would nationalise sections of private industries, which set in motion the birth of the "Gang of Four" - who then formed the Social Democratic Party.
The horrifying attack took place ata house on Firdale Roadat around 2am today, when a gang of four men broke in as part of an early hours burglary.
The gang of four men were nabbed by a routine patrol that saw them travelling at speed in a high-powered Audi near Ballyshannon, Co Donegal.
FIA, during a search operation in Karachi arrested a gang of four people involved in looting 10,000 people after establishing fraudulent website in the name of foreign company.