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abbreviation for
(Automotive Engineering) Isle of Man (international car registration)
[from G(reat) B(ritain Isle of) M(an)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He is taking over from Martin Tarr, who had decided to leave GBM earlier in the year.
GBM Gold refers to previous announcements regarding renewal of licences MIN5344, MIN5364 and MIN4878 (together 'Bendigo Mining Licences'), which include the Company's Kangaroo Flat Project.
CheckMate -498 (NCT02617589) is a Phase 3 randomized, multi-centre study evaluating Opdivo and radiation versus temozolomide and radiation in patients with newly diagnosed MGMT-unmethylated GBM.
Hatem Sabaawy, a resident member of Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, is the senior investigator on research examining the impact of a novel small molecule inhibitor in the treatment of GBM, using a patient's own tumor cells with patient-derived organoids.
Within the framework of the partnership, GBM will provide technology components required for the solution, as well as manage the overall implementation by leveraging its experience in cooperating in the financial industry, while Banfico will deliver the compliant implementation and also provide consulting services in Digital Transformation & Open Banking.
We see great partnership in GBM to deliver value to clients in this region", commented Kannan Rasappan, Founder & CEO, Banfico.
In terms of size, the proposed water reservoir in Kitui and Tharaka Nithi counties could be Africa's second largest after the Aswan High Dam in Egypt along the River Nile and Kenya's biggest dam, covering a massive 165 square kilometres.This meant that NIB had no option other than to re-evaluate the specific components of the tender as directed and award the contract to GBM Engineering on or before March 15.However, in a letter dated February 14, Mr Mugambi once again disregarded the tribunal orders and instead dismissed the whole tender, saying the British firm's bid had failed in the fresh technical evaluation.
Eddy has been part of the GBM community for over 10 years and we are thrilled to welcome him on-board our leadership team in Oman, said Martin Tarr, CEO of GBM.
During the forum, GBM will exhibit its advanced technologies in hardware and
Despite these regimens, prognosis remains poor.1 Various biomarkers are used to predict prognosis of patients with GBM.2 Amongst these, methylation of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) is considered to be a biomarker for good prognosis.3,4 MGMT is a DNA repair protein, that repairs damage from alkylating agents.
This will test the resilience of an organization's security against breaches', commented Hani Nofal, Vice President of Intelligent Network Solutions, Security and Mobility at GBM.