Notably, Mr Kamotho was not eating a beef burger or club sandwich he was not munching on French fries, or pizza, or any of the other pretentious exotic foods considered markers of class.It was not matoke,
foofoo or some nondescript African food.
IBIIBI, CICICI (Fiji), DIDIDI (Fiji), IFIIFI, GIGIGI (Mozambique), IHIIHI, JIJIJI (South Korea), KIKIKIKI (Maori), LLILLIL (Chile), MIMMIM, NININI (Fiji), PIPIPI (New Zealand), QIQI (China), RIRIRI (Maori), ISSISSI (Congo Rep.), TITTITTI (Ethiopia), IVIIVI, IWIIWI, IXIXI, IZIZI (Uganda) OBOOBO, OOCOOCOO, DODODO (Gershwin's Oh Kay),
FOOFOO (fufu--a kind of dough), GOOGOO (Somalia), OHOOHO, OJOOJO, OKOKOKO (Congo), OOLLOO (Australia), OMOOMO, NOONNOON, POPOPOPO (Maori), QOOQ, ROROROR, SOOSOOS (Gangetic dolphins), TOTTOT (a fruit pigeon of Guam), VOVOV (Denmark), WOOW, XOXXOX, ZOZOZ BUBUBUBUBUBUBU (Dictionary of Jamaican English), UCUUCU, DUDUDU (S.
Mme Effie will be looking in on you, don't stay up late my little
Foofoo, I remember her saying such as that., a young Internet merchandiser, chose an order network provider (scope) that offered digital management of the fulfillment process (execution) to meet the demand for convenient, reliable, and fast customer satisfaction.