fire coral

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fire coral

Any of various brownish-yellow reef-building colonial hydrozoans of the genus Millepora having an encrusting or branching calcareous skeleton and nematocysts that release stinging barbs. Also called millepore.

[From the painful stings.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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First stop was a snorkelling session a mile out at sea over a majestic reef of fire coral. Face down in the water, you enter a trance-like state among shoals of brightly coloured fish.
Here are 10 most dangerous sea creatures that swim in the ocean: Fire Coral: Fairly closely related to jellyfish and anemones these small organisms can deliver a power sting with it's invisible tentacles.
Marine biologists have listed the hell's fire sea anemone as among the world's toxic and stinging sea creatures, along with the sea wasp box jellyfish, Irukandji jellyfish, Portuguese man o'war, cannonball jellyfish, moon jellyfish, lion's mane jellyfish, crown-of-thorns sea star, textile cone, reef stonefish, banded sea krait, short-tail stingray, soft sea slugs or nudibranchs, lionfish, puffer fish, scorpionfish, Caribbean fire coral, blue-ringed octopus, stargazer fish, striped eel catfish and sea nettle.
Mortality of sea fans: Mortality was categorized as caused by: (1) disease when 100% of the colony area appeared necrotic, (2) detachment, when the colony disappeared from its known location, or (3) overgrowth when at least 90% of the colony area was covered by algae, fire coral (Millepora spp.), or other fouling organisms.
Additionally, these "long sleeve" sting suit tops will totally protect you from fire coral and stinging hydroids that are prevalent on ledges and wrecks throughout the Florida Keys.
Fire Coral Lifelike silk and velvet coral floats across this pillow ($235) from Michael Ragan's new tropical collection for Rags, a California brand with celebrity following.