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a.1.Same as Eccentric, Eccentrical.
2.(Bot.) One-sided; having the normally central portion not in the true center.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Epic Games has filed a lawsuit against YouTube personality Brandon Lucas, known as "Golden Modz" and his partner Colton "Excentric" Conter for using and selling cheats in "Fortnite," Engadget reports.
This type of motric action realises an excentric phasis at the muscular level in such a way that the usage and muscular pain level is high.
Excentric hypertrophy is more frequent than the concentric type (66% vs.
Due to poor compliance, the treatment was unsuccessful and subsequently discontinued, as the child developed excentric fixation.
Of course one could argue about the fact that it is tragic for today's America and its political scene, dominated by Republicans and Democrats who successfully prevent any "third candidate" to come even close to the presidential race, that in these elections we witnessed the confrontation between an excentric millionare, a somewhat dubious businessman and a figure from the reality shows and a woman directly responsible for destabilizing the whole Middle East and for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.
cebif direct scraping; A: Simple starch grain, oval, non-visible hilum, asymmetric and excentric extinction cross, with acute and obtuse angles, and intermediate and irregular arms.
Excentric cleavage products of beta-carotene inhibit estrogen receptor positive and negative breast tumor cell growth in vitro and inhibit activator protein-1-mediated transcriptional activation.
the extremely bright fard de pleoape caught all the attention though, the belle choosing most of the times for excentric blushes...") (C, 1/2013, p.