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abbreviation for
1. (Broadcasting) electronic programme guide
2. (Electronics) electronic programme guide
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Emmanuel Akwetey, one of the 11 members of the EPG, said if the key recommendations were not embraced, it would set back the bloc.
Evergreen said that the five companies and ACC participated in efforts to "delay and impede consumer choice, withhold and omit information, obstruct and discredit EPG's patent-pending business method" and make "deceptive and inaccurate claims that recycling of expanded [foam] polystyrene food service products was not economically feasible."
Comparison based on reduction in EPG count indicated that Azedarchta indica and Trematox were fairly affective in combating haemonchosis but EM Bio-vet fail to cure all cases of haemonchosis.
We first show that for any given k, there exist graphs that are not k-bend EPG graphs.
EPG focuses its activities on non-wind renewable energy technologies, especially solar and fuel cell projects.
With this familiarity and know-how, Keith Coleman, president of Mid America Engine and now the Wilmington, Del.-based EPG, founded EPG in 2005 and used it as an opportunity to produce a line of 800 to 2000 kW portable power modules specifically for the North American market.
Set up takes seconds - it's as simple to use as any put to the test and it's easy to navigate the EPG.
Composed of 10 highly recognized individuals representing each of the 10 ASEAN member countries, the EPG on the charter is to examine and provide practical recommendations on the direction and nature of the charter.
Canon USA Inc., EPG Semiconductor Div., Lake Success, NY
At his keynote speech at this year's International Consumer Electronics Show, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates reiterated his commitment to the digital home and announced that the Media Center will serve as a personal video recorder (PVB)--also known as a digital video recorder (DVR)--and operate under a common electronic program guide (EPG).