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[USA], July 14 (ANI): A team of researchers has discovered a new specimen of a microraptor -- volant dromaeosaurid Microraptor zhaoianus -- with the remains of a nearly complete lizard preserved in its stomach.
These characters are comparable quantitatively and qualitatively with those described in dromaeosaurid teeth.
, a house cat-sized dromaeosaurid dinosaur related to the
A basal dromaeosaurid and size evolution preceding avian flight.
Overall, researchers have found four specimens, all far south of where any indisputable dromaeosaurid remains have ever been discovered.
These vertebrate fossil assemblages are mainly dominated by titanosaurian sauropods, rhabdodontid ornithopods, nodosaurid ankylosaurs and dromaeosaurid theropods among dinosaurs, alligatoroid crocodyliforms, bothremydid and solemydid turtles, and zhelestid mammals.
"We see fully formed wings in exquisitely preserved dromaeosaurid fossils, and from biomechanical studies we can show that they were also able to perform a rudimentary flapping stroke.
At the time, they called it a missing link between birds and dinosaurs because it manifested the long bony tail of dromaeosaurid dinosaurs and the specialized shoulders and chest of birds.
The 1.8m-long predator was a dromaeosaurid - a family of theropod dinosaurs from which modern birds descended.
The dromaeosaurid Achillobator from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia (Hicks et al., 1999) may have reached a body mass of approximately 350 kilograms (Perle et al., 1999; Turner et al., 2007), but other dromaeosaurs, as well as troodontids, alvarezsaurids, and bona fide avians, were small-bodied animals that rarely reached sizes larger than an average man.