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Related to diffusivity: eddy diffusivity, magnetic diffusivity


1. (General Physics) a measure of the ability of a substance to transmit a difference in temperature; expressed as the thermal conductivity divided by the product of specific heat capacity and density
2. (General Physics) physics
a. the ability of a substance to permit or undergo diffusion
b. another name for diffusion coefficient
3. (General Physics) another name for diffusion5
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Authors in reference [5] and reference [6] modified primitive diffusivity functions suggested by Perona and Malik, and recommended new diffusivity functions.
The researchers observed significant pre-season to post-season white matter changes in the non-collar group in mean diffusivity (2.83 [+ or -] 2.46 percent), axial diffusivity (2.58 [+ or -] 2.34 percent), and radial diffusivity (3.52 [+ or -] 2.60 percent); despite similar head impact exposure, no significant changes were seen in the collar group.
The values of average effective moisture diffusivity were determined by analytical solution of Fick's law for liquid water diffusion in on solid, taking into account the conditions of the material in question.
The research team used the reflection information to calculate the diapycnal diffusivity for every reflection in the profile, and as with the observed reflection lengths, they discovered that diffusivity was greater near the seafloor and minimal in the top 300 meters of deeper waters.
TBSS can also determine if the aberrant fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) are induced by WM or adjacent tissue.[2] Hence, the present pilot study adopted the TBSS method to explore WM differences between first-episode schizophrenic patients with clinical remission (CR) and treatment-refractory (TR).
The objectives of current work are (i) to explore the drying characteristic and color changes kinetic of GB seeds at different microwave powers, (ii) to calculate effective moisture diffusivity and the activation energy to highlight the effect of microwave power, and (iii) to model the experimental drying kinetics and color changes of GB seeds during its microwave drying process using ANN methodology.
The gas transport through polymer membranes obeys to the solution-diffusion mechanism [1] which assumes as transport parameters the molecular diffusivity D (units: [cm.sup.2]/s) and solubility n (units: mol x [cm.sup.-3] x [Pa.sup.-1]) in the polymer layers (the gas permeability [PHI] is given by the product of gas solubility and diffusivity, [PHI] = DS).
Different schemes have been used for thermal diffusivity evaluation via the TWC theory, including direct and indirect evaluation.
In order to further investigate the effects of HTP process on the comprehensive properties of pebbles, other mechanical and thermal properties such as crush strength, thermal diffusivity and conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), and erosion rate of pebbles before and after the HTP process are measured.
For applications based on the thermal transport of nanofluids, the knowledge of the thermal diffusivity (D) is fundamental which is a material-specific property and measures the rate of heat transfer under unsteady conditions [6].