Daniel Boone

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Related to Daniel Boone: Davy Crockett
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Noun1.Daniel Boone - an American pioneer and guide and explorer (1734-1820)Daniel Boone - an American pioneer and guide and explorer (1734-1820)
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References in classic literature ?
Like venerable moss-bearded Daniel Boone, he will have no one near him but Nature herself; and her he takes to wife in the wilderness of waters, and the best of wives she is, though she keeps so many moody secrets.
Here they met with Daniel Boone, the renowned patriarch of Kentucky, who had kept in the advance of civilization, and on the borders of the wilderness, still leading a hunter's life, though now in his eighty-fifth year.
Daniel Boone was one of the first settlers to arrive in Montana.
Along with big bur oaks, these trees are all that remain of the original fire- and bison-maintained savanna that served as the hunting grounds for Native Americans north of the Ohio, and as a magnet to Daniel Boone and the pioneers from the colonies.
<IR> DANIEL BOONE </IR> was an obvious prototype, but since Bumppo was definitely a "York Stater," efforts have been made to identify him with some of the Indian fighters of New York in the late 18th century.
The line-up includes Brummie singer Peter Lee Stirling, alias Daniel Boone, who had a hit with Beautiful Sunday, and a host of other 60s stars.
Enormous quantities were exported to Asia to finance many American pioneers, most notably Daniel Boone, who gathered tons of it.
Esther, A Story of the Oregon Trail (1869) introduces one of nature's noblemen, an amalgam of <IR> DANIEL BOONE </IR> and James Fenimore Cooper's <IR> LEATHERSTOCKING </IR> .
FESS PARKER, who launched a craze for coonskin caps while playing famous American pioneers Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone, has died of natural causes.
Our moves in search of the good life, a tradition dating from the Pilgrims and Daniel Boone, gave us the desire.