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 (ī′yə-wä′skə, ä′yə-)
A hallucinogenic brew made from the bark and stems of a tropical South American vine of the genus Banisteriopsis, especially B. caapi, mixed with other psychotropic plants, used especially in shamanistic rituals by certain Amazonian Indian peoples.

[American Spanish, from Quechua, rope of the dead, narcotic : aya, corpse + huasca, rope.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌaɪəˈwɑːskə) or


(Plants) a Brazilian plant, Banisteriopsis caapi, that has winged fruits and yields a powerful hallucinogenic alkaloid sometimes used to treat certain disorders of the central nervous system: family Malpighiaceae
[C20: from Quechua]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌɑ yəˈwɑ skə)

n., pl. -cas.
a woody South American vine, Banisteriopsis caapi, of the malpighia family, having bark that is the source of harmine, a hallucinogenic alkaloid used by Indians of the Amazon basin.
[< American Spanish; further orig. uncertain]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Images were then exported to the software daime (16), segmented with appropriate brightness thresholds, and the area covered by bacteria was determined.
Santos e xamas: estudo do uso ritualizado da ayahuasca por caboclos da Amazonia, e, em particular, no que concerne sua utilizacao socioterapeutica na doutrina do Santo Daime [dissertacao].
--Fernando, 44 anos, branco, daimista, (adepto a religiao do Santo Daime), ensino medio completo, fotografo, autonomo, tres filhos de uniao consensual que permaneceram com ele apos a separacao.
Com a lideranca de seringueiros, nas primeiras decadas do seculo XX, a Ayahuasca passa a ser usada como sacramento em praticas que demonstram um sincretismo religioso de influencia crista, indigena e afrobrasileira em tres vertentes principais: o Santo Daime (5); a Barquinha (6); a Uniao do Vegetal (UDV (7)); e por outras organizacoes religiosas que tiveram nessas a sua origem.
Ora, tambem o catolicismo venera os mortos--seus santificados--assim como os tupis veneravam seus ancestrais; portanto, ambas as praticas encontraram correspondencia mutua, sincretizando-se tao facilmente que produziram a mesticagem, tanto fisica quanto cultural; e deste momento historico que derivam religioes ainda hibridas e atuantes, das quais o jare, a pajelanca, o catimbo, o Santo Daime, bastam como exemplos.
Ayahuasca is a botanical hallucinogenic preparation traditionally used by indigenous populations of Northwestern Amazonian countries for ritual and therapeutic purposes (1), and also as a sacrament and therapeutic tool by Brazilian syncretic religions such as the Santo Daime, Barquinha and Uniao do Vegetal (2-3).
The most commonly recognized sacramental use of ayahuasca occurs among members of three churches in Brazil: Uniao do Vegetal (UDV), Santo Daime and Barquinha.
Members of the Santo Daime faith in Oregon sued the federal government after drug agents raided their leader's home and government officials refused to give them an accommodation from the Controlled Substances Act for the importation of Daime tea, a hallucinogenic drink from Brazil used in their rituals.
DeAndre Yedlin produced a whiplash shot from a great Mo Daime pass on 35 minutes to force a corner and Ayoze Perez ought to have won a penalty five minutes later when quick feet bamboozled Greg Halford, who pulled him down with a handful of shirt.
insercao da Umbanda no Santo Daime, master dissertation, PUC Sao Paulo,