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abbreviation for
(Military) Distinguished Flying Medal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Distinguished Flying Medal.
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As tools continue to develop, we can expect that DfM's current boundaries will expand to more sophisticated checks, possibly even bringing part-specific lifecycle information into the design process in new and innovative ways.
Given the limited capital resources of today, selecting the best DFM solution in terms of fast return on investment (ROI) can be tricky.
Dubai: The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) said on Sunday its UAE listed companies have showed a 96 per cent compliance to disclose their preliminary results for the financial year 2018 within the deadline of 45 days from the end of the year.
The DFM has successfully developed series of innovative solutions as part of its "Smart Brose" strategy that reinforced its leading position amongst regional exchanges in terms of innovation and utilization of most advanced technologies to provide its services through multiple channels in line with participants'' requirements.
The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) on Sunday announced the listing of Naeem Holding for Investment, in a first step of its kind from an Egyptian company.
Dubai: The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) reported a 21 per cent decrease in the first half of the year as revenues tumbled.
It is noteworthy that the total value of DFM's trading has decreased 41.4 percent during the first quarter of 2019 to Dh11.9 billion compared to Dh20.4 billion during the corresponding period of last year.
DFM's net profit of the third quarter of 2018 dropped 25 per cent to Dh20.9 million from Dh27.7 million in the third quarter of 2017.
In a statement, the DFM said that the Dubai stock market has set such regulations with approval from Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) in pursuant of international best practises.
This listing further strengthens the prominent position of DFM as the most favored listing venue for leading local and regional companies and lifts the total number of listed companies to 66.
The symbol appears on DFM screens, trading system and publications within the banking sector.