corner reflector

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corner reflector

1. A device, normally consisting of three metallic surfaces or screens perpendicular to one another, designed to act as a radar target or marker.
2. In radar interpretation, an object which, by means of multiple reflections from smooth surfaces, produces a radar return of greater magnitude than might be expected from the physical size of the object.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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To design the proposed antenna, the spacing between the feeding antenna and he reflecting wall of a corner reflector antenna should be first determined.
Caption: Lacroix countermeasures specialist is marketing the 150 mm diameter Sealem (Special Advanced Lacroix ElectroMagnetic RF decoy) corner reflector launcher rocket.
Another approach is to design a corner reflector antenna with a half-wavelength dipole placed on the bisector of the corner angle of a conducting surface bent at an angle of less than 90 degrees.
Imaging quality parameters of the trihedral corner reflector. Range Azimuth 2D PSLR 2D ISLR Resolution Resolution (dB) (dB) (m) (m) Sub-aperture MoCo 0.95 1.20 -6.13 -2.47 Improved MoCo 0.95 1.11 -10.03 -4.15
The wall was located at 950 mm from the antennas, in the far-field region for the entire sensor's frequency band, and a corner reflector was placed at 1240 mm behind the wall.
Wilkinson, Optical radar using a corner reflector on the moon, J.
Plates and corner reflectors can be securely mounted to the pedestal using a rear mounting structure that does not influence the plate RCS.
They exhibit a gain of 9.5 dBi in the frequency of interest and good impedance matching (the VSWR of the horn antenna is 1.3 and that of the corner reflector antenna 1.45).
Figure 2(c) plots the phase history after phase unwrapping of the corner reflector. Compared with Figure 1(c), we find that the phase history is clearer (shown in Figure 2(d)).
The vertical parts of a conventional hull form corner reflectors with the water, so stealthy surface ships generally have their sides inclined away from the vertical.
The maximum RCS of the corner reflector (quarter circular sides) is:
The target is a small boat, and the corner reflector is approximately three times the RCS of it.