Combined DNA Index System

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Noun1.Combined DNA Index System - the DNA file maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Kits will not be tested in a case where the victim has not reported to law enforcement; the victim has requested the kit not be tested; and if the offender has already been convicted of sexual assault and has a DNA profile in the FBI's Combined DNA Index System.
The database used by the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies is known as the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS).
10, 2015, the DuPage County Crime Laboratory informed detectives from the sheriff's office that there was a DNA match through the Combined DNA Index System that identified a specific person as the contributor of the DNA profile obtained from the sexual assault kit performed during Kristy's autopsy.
Rapid DNA technology has quickly advanced over the past several years with two commercially available systems being adapted to analyze the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) panel, as well as the Rapid DNA Act of 2017 becoming law on August 18.
The RapidHIT ID System, when used with the new EXT cartridge, is the first Rapid DNA technology that can upload evidence samples to national DNA databases, such as the FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS).
He discusses mandatory minimum sentencing, the advent of the Combined DNA Index System, the onset of business improvement districts and the development of the Midtown Community Court Community Affairs Units, sharing resources from housing and transit police connections and community boards.
The Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), a software donated to the PNP by the US government, made it easier and faster to identify the bodies, she added.
Thirteen specific STR loci are used by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Combined DNA Index System (CODIS).
The Government of Suriname expressed interest in obtaining the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) software for the DNA laboratory.
His DNA had been collected there and was entered recently into the national Combined DNA Index System, where it matched the DNA sample from the 2008 case.
But in the 1990s and after -- as the technology improved and the FBI set up the Combined DNA Index System, or CODIS, to allow matching -- a large share of kits were still not processed.
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