China ware

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n.1.dishes made of china; porcelain; - so called in the 17th century because brought from the far East, and differing from the pottery made in Europe at that time; also, loosely, crockery in general.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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All beverages are served in crystal glasses from Cristal de Paris while the culinary offerings are presented on exquisite bone china ware from Wedgwood, UK, famous for its elegant design.
Located within the resort's shopping arcade, the designated show room features arranged table set ups complete with selections of china ware, crystal and linen, decorative items as well as suggestions for flower arrangements and wedding cakes.
The showroom also features an extensive range of accessories including cashmere blankets, towels and china ware that are all part of the VIP amenities packages."We have invested in this facility for our clients to give them a one stop shop when planning their aircraft interiors.
Sir John and his second wife, Betty, filled Drayton with porcelain: 'in the Great Parlour at the foot of the brown stairs' there were 'Twenty two pieces of china ware over the chimney'.
It read: 'The Manufacturer of China Ware at Chelsea takes the liberty to aquaint the Publick, that he has been employed since his last Sale in making a considerable parcel, of which the Assortments are so far advanced, that he hopes to be in a Condition to offer it to Sale.
The advertisement read: 'The Manufacturer of China Ware at Chelsea takes the liberty to aquaint the Publick, that he has been employed since his last Sale in making a considerable parcel, of which the Assortments are so far advanced, that he hopes to be in a Condition to offer it to Sale in the Month of March next; it will consist of a variety of Services for Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Porringers, Sauce Boats, Basons, and Ewers, Ice-Pails, Tureens, Dishes and Plates of different Forms and Patterns, and of a great Variety of pieces for ornament in a Taste entirely new'.
A hundred years ago on a Saturday afternoon in October 1904, a 30-year-old widowed lady called Margaret Wheeler was browsing through the range of china ware on the second floor of the emporium with a blank expression as she thought about the days when her late husband Charles came to the store with her.
However, there is also a touching black and white photograph of him in his prime standing proudly in front of his china ware stall more than half a century ago in our Blast from the Past feature.
Most good china ware was exported to pay for the war: the best coloured china wasn't supposed to be sold in this country, only seconds.

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