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or Has·sid also Chas·sid  (KHä′sĭd, KHô′-, hä′-)
n. pl. Ha·si·dim or Has·si·dim also Chas·si·dim (KHä-sē′dĭm, KHô-, hä-)
A member of a Jewish mystic movement founded in the 18th century in eastern Europe by Baal Shem Tov that reacted against Talmudic learning and maintained that God's presence was in all of one's surroundings and that one should serve God in one's every deed and word.

[From Hebrew ḥāsîd, pious, from ḥāsad, to be kind; see ḥsd in Semitic roots.]

Ha·si′dic adj.
Ha·si′dism n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Chassidim - a sect of Orthodox Jews that arose out of a pietistic movement originating in eastern Europe in the second half of the 18th century; a sect that follows the Mosaic law strictly
Jewish Orthodoxy, Orthodox Judaism - Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic law as interpreted in the Talmud
Chasid, Chassid, Hasid, Hassid - a member of a Jewish sect that observes a form of strict Orthodox Judaism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Ender stressed that Chabad Chassidim do their job at the command of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and therefore humiliation from time to time does not deter them: "As a Chabad disciple, I went out to put on tefillin in weirder places, like for example on the hoods of cars - and we never felt a sense of unpleasantness; even under field conditions we continue the amazing tradition....
By late 1976, there were over five hundred Satmar Chassidim living in Monfield--the minimum necessary number under New York law to create a village.
Praising it as a "truly 'Jewish' record," he described that it used an "attractive solo voice" and the "disciplined voices [that] belong to a group of nine devoted Chassidim." (44)
[82.] Ronen A, Chassidim HS, Gershon P, Parmet Y, Rabinovich A,
When a team consists of Chassidim, stutterers, overweight women, unattractive people, short people, and individuals wearing turbans and hijabs, a firm will have truly overcome the challenges of diversity.
Even tying an animal's tail is forbidden because it renders the animal incapable of driving away flies (13th-century Rabbi Yehudah HaChassid in Sefer Chassidim).
Their Chassidim (faithful people) developed the vision that God's kin-dom with a human face would prevail over the empires, viewed as wild beasts (Dan.
A silly one is 'Music and the Dance' in which Chassidim are referred to as the Jewish Salvation Army,' but some of these articles were of sufficient value to impress the noted Israeli musicologist Peter Gradenwitz, who devoted a few pages of his The Music of Israel to a discussion on the genesis of the Hatikvah melody.
Bengt Holmqvist who was one of Sachs' best friends during her exile in Sweden, traces the word back to mysticism and to the mystical elements of the Chassidim (Holmqvist, 1977:44-45) The creation of the world is the manifestation of the Ionging of the higher spheres.
<![CDATA[ Police were called in over disturbances between Chabad and Gerrer Chassidim at the citys Ashkenazi central synagogue.]]>