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(Biography) Paul, real name Paul Antschel. 1920–70, Romanian Jewish poet, writing in German, whose work reflects the experience of Nazi persecution
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References in periodicals archive ?
Their topics include his highness: God's voice and the autoimmune in two royal psalms, oral tales and written truth in the early reception history of Septuagint Psalm 118(119), the voice of the psalmist: on the performative role of Psalms in Moses Mendelssohn's Jerusalem, and Paul Celan: the last psalmist.
En el discurso pronunciado en el ano 1958 con motivo de la recepcion del Literaturpreis der Stadt Bremen, Paul Celan senala que "[...] el poema no es intemporal (zeitlos).
Paul Celan, Breathturn into Timestead: The Collected Later Poetry.
The Association said in a statement that it has come to know that the health condition of the abductee, Abdulelah Celan, a engineering-study student, had deteriorated due to severe torture and neglect of his health care in the political-security prison controlled by the coup in Sanaa.
Paul Celan hovers above another circle like a colorless ghost.
Not so deep to dig, not so far down in the labyrinth, where Celan's
Derrida y Celan, durante los escasos encuentros breves que dispuso Peter Szondi en Paris, alla por 1967 (2), compartieron mas el silencio que la conversacion.
Boos sets out to tell this story by closely examining a series of public addresses (mainly acceptance speeches for major German literary awards) given by Martin Buber, Paul Celan, Ingeborg Bachmann, Hannah Arendt, Uwe Johnson, Peter Szondi, Peter Weiss, and Theodor Adorno.