

1. a scold
2. a prostitute or promiscuous woman
[C16: of uncertain origin]
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Nigel Twiston-Davies, who claimed the race back in 2005 with Baron Windrush, is one of three trainers who could be doublehanded this time - after entering Cogry and Callet Mad.
Class horse in the race is Nigel Twiston-Davies' top-weight Callet Mad while Michael Scudamore's Mysteree was the winner of last year's gruelling Eider Chase at Newcastle.
Le Callet, "A wavelet-based image quality metric for the assessment of 3D synthesized views," in Proceedings of the 24th IS and T/SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Conference, SD and A 2013, vol.
Barreda-Angeles, M.; Pepion, R.; Bosc, E.; Le Callet, P; Pereda-Banos, A.
Le Callet, "Fractal analysis for reduced reference image quality assessment," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.
Callet, Couleur-Lumie're Couleur-Matiere: Interaction Lumiere-Matiere et Synthese d'Images, Diderot Editeur, Arts et Sciences, Paris, 1998.
"It was purely accidental," laughs Ian Callet, Operations Head.
[10] Le Meur, O., Le Callet, P., Barba, D., Thoreau, D.