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(Placename) a town in SE Wales, in Newport county borough on the River Usk: traditionally the seat of King Arthur's court. Pop: 9392 (2001)
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References in classic literature ?
Caer is the Celtic word for Castle, and is still to be found in many Welsh names, such as Carnarvon, Caerleon, and so on.
RESIDENTS are being invited to have their say on fresh plans to build homes on the site of the former University of South Wales (USW) campus in Caerleon.
BUILDING homes on the former University of South Wales (USW) campus in Caerleon will exacerbate existing traffic and air pollution issues, a councillor has warned.
Students from Caerleon Comprehensive School in Newport, will put on a unique set of short plays entitled True Cost to demonstrate the dangers and consequences of drinking.
There have been no con-firmed sightings of the 30-year-old dad of two since was last seen at 11pm on Saturday, December 7, at Boleros in Caerleon. He is described as white, 5ft 9in tall, of slight build with shoulder-length straight brown hair.
Global Banking News-August 7, 2012--HSBC to close Caerleon branch(C)2012 ENPublishing -
The Wrexham hosts made light of injuries and ineligibility to make the perfect start but Caerleon showed their mettle in the first period as Chris Jones tested debutant keeper Adam McGee who also pulled off saves from Chris Pearce and Luke Cueto.After the interval, GAP showed superior fitness with captain Colin Quirk and Ricky Evans taking charge of midfield to ensure the home side held the upper hand.
Since it was fitted outside a Spar store in Caerleon Road, Newport, South Wales, earlier this year, it has had a dramatic impact.
The legion from Bergamo in northern Italy turned up to put on a display at the Roman town of Caerleon, near Newport, Gwent.
BANGOR CITY were thrown a financial lifeline when they swept into the semi-finals of the Welsh Cup with a 4-1 victory at Welsh League side CAERLEON.