Exemplos nesse sentido sao: espaco de coworking (The Hub, Bees Office, Hub Culture), emprestimos sociais entre pares (Zopa, Prosper, Funding Circle), moedas sociais (Quid, Time Banks, Vem,
Blive), crowdfunding (Catarse, Movere, Kickstarter), caronas (Zimride, Lift Share, Karzoo), caronas de taxi (Taxi Share, Wheels, Taxi Deck), viagens (CouchSurfing, AirBnB, One Fine Stay), compartilhamento de jardins (Urban Garden Share, Land Share, Shared Earth), refeicoes compartilhadas (Eat with Me, House Bites), trocas de favores (Trade a Favor, Fiverr, Hey Neighbor!) (SASTRE; IKEDA, 2012).
"den manglende brik hun havde ledt efter i sin individuelle udvikling hen imod at
blive "et helt menneske", som var et af firmacoachens mantraer"/"the missing piece she had been looking for in her individual development towards becoming "a whole person", one of the mantras of the company coach." (Thorup 50).