
adv.1.Quickly; forthwith.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
And nobody can be blive or blase about the challenges we face or the scale of work required.
Exemplos nesse sentido sao: espaco de coworking (The Hub, Bees Office, Hub Culture), emprestimos sociais entre pares (Zopa, Prosper, Funding Circle), moedas sociais (Quid, Time Banks, Vem, Blive), crowdfunding (Catarse, Movere, Kickstarter), caronas (Zimride, Lift Share, Karzoo), caronas de taxi (Taxi Share, Wheels, Taxi Deck), viagens (CouchSurfing, AirBnB, One Fine Stay), compartilhamento de jardins (Urban Garden Share, Land Share, Shared Earth), refeicoes compartilhadas (Eat with Me, House Bites), trocas de favores (Trade a Favor, Fiverr, Hey Neighbor!) (SASTRE; IKEDA, 2012).
"den manglende brik hun havde ledt efter i sin individuelle udvikling hen imod at blive "et helt menneske", som var et af firmacoachens mantraer"/"the missing piece she had been looking for in her individual development towards becoming "a whole person", one of the mantras of the company coach." (Thorup 50).
Den gamle Dame var en hyppig gjest i Annes hus, og havde den Glaede at se sin Yndling i Besiddelse af al den Lykke, som kan blive en Dodelig tildel."
Some phrases were cut from the conversation of Maxim and Janysh Bakiev posted in May 2010 on the website ad the interview of Omurbek Babanov with the television channel Stan TV (?+) of 6 June 2009.
Brand (2009), "Danskerne vii lade SP-penge blive i banken", May.
Konsekvensen kan blive, at patienteme ikke opnar langtidsrelationer til sundhedsprofessionelle, der kan vise interesse for dem og deres sygdom.
The narrator describes how the insects buzz in the air after they have sucked their bodies full of blood (and can thus be visualised clearly as dark picture elements): "Afstanden mellem de enkelte blodpunkter ville blive stadig storre ligesom et fotograferet portraet gar i oplosning i lutter korn.