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(Placename) a town and oasis in NE Algeria, in the Sahara. Pop: 204 000 (2005 est)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Le coach m'lili, Ait Djoudi, a du programmer des matchs de replique entre ses joueurs et une rencontre amicale contre l'US Biskra afin de permettre a l'ensemble de effectif d'avoir du temps de jeu dans les jambes et demeurer dans l'ambiance de la competition.
This came in a statement to KUNA on the sideline of the seventh literary union forum on children literature, organized by the Union of Algerian Writers - Biskra branch.
(TAP) - Tunisian Ali Nouisri won the yellow jersey leader of the 20th edition of the Tour d'Algerie 2017 (TAC-2017) whose last stage connecting Boussaada to Biskra, was won by Algerian Kerrar Ayoub from Club Sovac.
Historically strong gas-fired generation growth rates are supportive of further steady capacity growth, additionally the political situation is relatively stable and Algeria brought a sizeable 460MW Biskra gas plant online ahead of schedule last year.
Paris, colonial Biskra and Tangier, and onward to glittering
Les operations seront effectuees, notamment, a Kasserine et dans les zones frontalieres reliant le sud-ouest de la Libye au sud tunisien et dans les regions de la vallee de Tebessa et Biskra.
BISKRA - Ali Benflis, the main rival to ailing but favourite incumbent Abdelaziz Bouteflika in Algeria's presidential election, said Saturday his main opponent in the April 17 poll will be fraud."Fraud is my principal adversary," said Benflis who was beaten in the 2004 election by Bouteflika.The two men had been close during Bouteflika's first five-year term between 1999 and 2004, before they split and Benflis was sacked as prime minister in 2003."It must be remembered that in 2004 fraud was victorious and democracy was the loser," added Benflis.Bouteflika, standing against five other candidates, was re-elected in 2004 with 85 percent of the vote.
The government said five fans were killed when a van slid off the road into a ravine in the mountain town of Bejaia, east of Algiers, while four others died in the southern city of Biskra in a car accident.
A government statement issued on late Wednesday said that five celebrating fans were killed when the van they were driving in slid off the road into a ravine in the mountain town of Bejaia, east of Algiers, while four others died in the southern city of Biskra in a car accident, the Associated Press reported.
La seconde etape du Tour d'Algerie de cyclisme se disputera mardi entre Setif et Biskra sur une distance de 209,5 Km.
Pollen sample 1 (PS1) was collected from Setif (North east of Algeria), pollen sample 2 (PS2) was from Biskra (North Algerian Sahara), whereas pollen sample 3 (PS3) was from Blida (North of Algeria).