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Bachelor of Education


a. A piece of furniture for reclining and sleeping, typically consisting of a flat, rectangular frame and a mattress resting on springs.
b. A bedstead.
c. A mattress.
a. A place where one may sleep; lodging: found bed and board at an inn.
b. Accommodations for a single person at a hospital or institution: a maternity ward with 30 beds.
3. A time at which one goes to sleep: drank milk before bed.
4. A place for lovemaking.
5. A marital relationship with its rights and intimacies.
a. A small plot of cultivated or planted land: a flower bed.
b. An underwater or intertidal area in which a particular organism is established in large numbers: a clam bed; an oyster bed.
7. The ground surface below a body of water such as a sea, lake, or stream.
8. A supporting, underlying, or securing part, especially:
a. A layer of food surmounted by another kind of food: tomatoes on a bed of lettuce.
b. A foundation of crushed rock or a similar substance for a road or railroad; a roadbed.
c. A layer of mortar upon which stones or bricks are laid.
9. Printing The heavy table of a printing press in which the type form is placed.
10. The part of a truck, trailer, or freight car designed to carry loads.
11. Geology
a. A broad mass of rock or sediment bounded by different material.
b. A deposit, as of ore, parallel to local stratification.
12. A heap of material: a bed of wood chips.
v. bed·ded, bed·ding, beds
1. To furnish with a bed or sleeping quarters: We bedded our guests down in the study.
2. To put or send to bed.
3. To have sexual relations with.
4. To plant in a prepared plot of soil.
5. To lay flat or arrange in layers.
a. To embed.
b. To establish; base.
1. To go to bed.
2. Geology To form layers or strata.
get into bed with
Slang To become closely involved with another person or group, as in an intrigue: "The Israelis were experienced at this kind of [covert] ... work, but it was essential that the administration not get into bed with them on this" (Bob Woodward).
go to bed with
To have sexual relations with.

[Middle English, from Old English.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a piece of furniture on which to sleep
2. the mattress and bedclothes on such a piece of furniture: an unmade bed.
3. sleep or rest: time for bed.
4. any place in which a person or animal sleeps or rests
5. (Medicine) med a unit of potential occupancy in a hospital or residential institution
6. informal a place for sexual intercourse
7. informal sexual intercourse
8. (Horticulture) a plot of ground in which plants are grown, esp when considered together with the plants in it: a flower bed.
9. (Physical Geography) the bottom of a river, lake, or sea
10. (Agriculture) a part of this used for cultivation of a plant or animal: oyster beds.
11. (Civil Engineering) a layer of crushed rock, gravel, etc, used as a foundation for a road, railway, etc
12. (Building) a layer of mortar in a masonry wall
13. (Building) the underside of a brick, tile, slate, etc, when in position. Compare back112
14. any underlying structure or part
15. (Geological Science) a layer of rock, esp sedimentary rock
16. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the flat part of a letterpress printing press onto or against which the type forme is placed
17. (Chemistry) a layer of solid particles of an absorbent, catalyst, or reagent through which a fluid is passed during the course of a chemical reaction or other process
18. (Mechanical Engineering) a machine base on which a moving part carrying a tool or workpiece slides: lathe bed.
19. a bed of roses a situation of comfort or ease
20. to be brought to bed archaic to give birth (to)
21. bed of nails
a. a situation or position of extreme difficulty
b. a bed studded with nails on which a fakir lies
22. get out of bed on the wrong side informal to be ill-tempered from the start of the day
23. (often foll by with) to have sexual intercourse (with)
24. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) journalism printing (of a newspaper, magazine, etc) to go to press; start printing
25. (Journalism & Publishing) journalism printing (of a newspaper, magazine, etc) to go to press; start printing
26. in bed with informal cooperating closely with (another person, organization, government, etc.) esp covertly
27. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) journalism to finalize work on (a newspaper, magazine, etc) so that it is ready to go to press
28. (Journalism & Publishing) journalism to finalize work on (a newspaper, magazine, etc) so that it is ready to go to press
29. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing to lock up the type forme of (a publication) in the press before printing
30. take to one's bed to remain in bed, esp because of illness
vb, beds, bedding or bedded
31. (usually foll by down) to go to or put into a place to sleep or rest
32. (tr) to have sexual intercourse with
33. (tr) to place, fix, or sink firmly into position; embed
34. (Geological Science) geology to form or be arranged in a distinct layer; stratify
35. (Horticulture) (often foll by: out) to plant in a bed of soil
[Old English bedd; related to Old Norse bethr, Old High German betti, Gothic badi]


abbreviation for
(Education) Bachelor of Education
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. bed•ded, bed•ding. n.
1. a piece of furniture upon which or within which a person sleeps, rests, or stays when not well.
2. the mattress and bedclothes together with the bedstead of a bed.
3. the bedstead alone.
4. the act of or time for sleeping.
5. the use of a bed for the night; lodging.
6. the marital relationship.
7. any place used for sleeping or resting.
a. an area of ground in which plants, esp. flowering garden plants, are grown.
b. the plants growing in such an area.
9. the bottom of a lake, river, sea, or other body of water.
10. an area on the bottom of a body of water abounding in a particular kind of plant or animal life: an oyster bed.
11. a piece or part forming a foundation or base: tuna on a bed of lettuce.
12. a layer of rock; stratum.
13. a foundation surface of earth or rock supporting a track, pavement, or the like.
a. the underside of a stone, brick, slate, tile, etc., laid in position.
b. the layer of mortar in which a brick, stone, etc., is laid.
15. the flat surface in a printing press on which the form of type is laid.
16. the body or, sometimes, the floor or bottom of a truck or trailer.
17. flesh enveloping the base of a claw, esp. the germinative layer beneath the claw.
18. to provide with a bed.
19. to put to bed.
20. to plant in or as if in a bed.
21. to lay flat.
22. to place in a bed or layer.
23. to embed.
24. to have sexual intercourse with.
25. to have sleeping accommodations.
26. to form a compact layer or stratum.
27. Archaic. to go to bed.
28. bed down, to retire to bed.
1. get up on the wrong side of the bed, to be cranky and contrary from the moment one awakes.
2. go to bed with, to have sexual relations with.
3. make a bed, to fit a bed with sheets and blankets.
[before 1000; Middle English; Old English bedd, c. Old Frisian bed, Old Saxon bed(de), Old High German betti, Gothic badi]


Bachelor of Education.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. A layer of sediments or rock that extends under a large area and has other layers below and sometimes above it: a bed of coal.
2. The bottom of a body of water: the bed of a stream.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


 a layer or bed-like mass; small animals, especially reptiles, grouped together. See also layer.
Examples: bed of adders; of ashes; of clams; of coal; of cockles; of eels, 1608; of mussels; of oysters, 1682; of sand; of scorpions, 1692; of snakes, 1731; of worms, 1666.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: bedded
Gerund: bedding

I bed
you bed
he/she/it beds
we bed
you bed
they bed
I bedded
you bedded
he/she/it bedded
we bedded
you bedded
they bedded
Present Continuous
I am bedding
you are bedding
he/she/it is bedding
we are bedding
you are bedding
they are bedding
Present Perfect
I have bedded
you have bedded
he/she/it has bedded
we have bedded
you have bedded
they have bedded
Past Continuous
I was bedding
you were bedding
he/she/it was bedding
we were bedding
you were bedding
they were bedding
Past Perfect
I had bedded
you had bedded
he/she/it had bedded
we had bedded
you had bedded
they had bedded
I will bed
you will bed
he/she/it will bed
we will bed
you will bed
they will bed
Future Perfect
I will have bedded
you will have bedded
he/she/it will have bedded
we will have bedded
you will have bedded
they will have bedded
Future Continuous
I will be bedding
you will be bedding
he/she/it will be bedding
we will be bedding
you will be bedding
they will be bedding
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bedding
you have been bedding
he/she/it has been bedding
we have been bedding
you have been bedding
they have been bedding
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bedding
you will have been bedding
he/she/it will have been bedding
we will have been bedding
you will have been bedding
they will have been bedding
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bedding
you had been bedding
he/she/it had been bedding
we had been bedding
you had been bedding
they had been bedding
I would bed
you would bed
he/she/it would bed
we would bed
you would bed
they would bed
Past Conditional
I would have bedded
you would have bedded
he/she/it would have bedded
we would have bedded
you would have bedded
they would have bedded
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


A sedimentary layer of rock that is more than 1⁄2 in (1 cm) thick.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bed - a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleepbed - a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep; "he sat on the edge of the bed"; "the room had only a bed and chair"
bedchamber, bedroom, sleeping accommodation, sleeping room, chamber - a room used primarily for sleeping
bedroom furniture - furniture intended for use in a bedroom
bedframe, bedstead - the framework of a bed
built in bed, bunk, berth - a bed on a ship or train; usually in tiers
built-in bed - a bed that is built in and fixed to a wall
bunk - a rough bed (as at a campsite)
bunk bed, bunk - beds built one above the other
camp bed, cot - a small bed that folds up for storage or transport
couch - a narrow bed on which a patient lies during psychiatric or psychoanalytic treatment
deathbed - the bed on which a person dies
double bed - a bed wide enough to accommodate two sleepers
four-poster - a bed with posts at the four corners that can be used to support a canopy or curtains
hammock, sack - a hanging bed of canvas or rope netting (usually suspended between two trees); swings easily
marriage bed - the bed shared by a newly wed couple
mattress - a large thick pad filled with resilient material and often incorporating coiled springs, used as a bed or part of a bed
Murphy bed - a bed that can be folded or swung into a cabinet when not being used
plank-bed - a bed of boards (without a mattress)
platform bed - a bed without springs
sickbed - the bed on which a sick person lies
single bed - a bed for one occupant
sleigh bed - a bed with solid headboard and footboard that roll outward at the top
truckle, truckle bed, trundle, trundle bed - a low bed to be slid under a higher bed
twin bed - one of a pair of identical beds
water bed - a bed with a mattress made of strong plastic that is filled with water
2.bed - a plot of ground in which plants are growingbed - a plot of ground in which plants are growing; "the gardener planted a bed of roses"
asparagus bed - a bed in which asparagus is growing
bed of flowers, flower bed, flowerbed - a bed in which flowers are growing
hotbed - a bed of earth covered with glass and heated by rotting manure to promote the growth of plants
seedbed - a bed where seedlings are grown before transplanting
turnip bed - a bed in which turnips are growing
plot of ground, plot of land, patch, plot - a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation; "a bean plot"; "a cabbage patch"; "a briar patch"
3.bed - a depression forming the ground under a body of waterbed - a depression forming the ground under a body of water; "he searched for treasure on the ocean bed"
lake bed, lake bottom - the bottom of a lake
natural depression, depression - a sunken or depressed geological formation
river bottom, riverbed - a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a river
creek bed, streambed - a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a stream
4.bed - (geology) a stratum of rock (especially sedimentary rock)bed - (geology) a stratum of rock (especially sedimentary rock); "they found a bed of sandstone"
geology - a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks
stratum - one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another (such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism or a layer of sedimentary rock)
ore bed - a stratum of ore
5.bed - a stratum of ore or coal thick enough to be mined with profitbed - a stratum of ore or coal thick enough to be mined with profit; "he worked in the coal beds"
stratum - one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another (such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism or a layer of sedimentary rock)
coal seam - a seam of coal
6.bed - single thickness of usually some homogeneous substancebed - single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance; "slices of hard-boiled egg on a bed of spinach"
artefact, artifact - a man-made object taken as a whole
backing, mount - something forming a back that is added for strengthening
blanket - a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor
row, course - (construction) a layer of masonry; "a course of bricks"
cushion - the layer of air that supports a hovercraft or similar vehicle
interlayer - a layer placed between other layers
laminate - a sheet of material made by bonding two or more sheets or layers
lift - one of the layers forming the heel of a shoe or boot
overlay - a layer of decorative material (such as gold leaf or wood veneer) applied over a surface
ply - (usually in combinations) one of several layers of cloth or paper or wood as in plywood
tier - one of two or more layers one atop another; "tier upon tier of huge casks"; "a three-tier wedding cake"
wall - a layer of material that encloses space; "the walls of the cylinder were perforated"; "the container's walls were blue"
7.bed - the flat surface of a printing press on which the type form is laid in the last stage of producing a newspaper or magazine or book etc.bed - the flat surface of a printing press on which the type form is laid in the last stage of producing a newspaper or magazine or book etc.
printing press, press - a machine used for printing
surface - the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary; "there is a special cleaner for these surfaces"; "the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface"
8.bed - a foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad trackbed - a foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad track; "the track bed had washed away"
understructure, groundwork, substructure, base, foundation, fundament, foot - lowest support of a structure; "it was built on a base of solid rock"; "he stood at the foot of the tower"
railroad bed - a bed on which railroad track is laid
roadbed - a bed supporting a road
Verb1.bed - furnish with a bedbed - furnish with a bed; "The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals"
furnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
bunk - provide with a bunk; "We bunked the children upstairs"
2.bed - place (plants) in a prepared bed of soilbed - place (plants) in a prepared bed of soil
plant, set - put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground; "Let's plant flowers in the garden"
3.bed - put to bedbed - put to bed; "The children were bedded at ten o'clock"
lay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"
4.bed - have sexual intercourse withbed - have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
neck, make out - kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion; "The couple were necking in the back seat of the car"
have, take - have sex with; archaic use; "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"
copulate, mate, couple, pair - engage in sexual intercourse; "Birds mate in the Spring"
5.bed - prepare for sleepbed - prepare for sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"
bed down, bunk down - go to bed; "We bedded down at midnight"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. bedstead, couch, berth, cot, the sack (informal), bunk, the hay (informal), pallet, divan She went in to her bedroom and lay down on the bed.
2. plot, area, row, strip, patch, ground, land, garden, border beds of strawberries and rhubarb
3. bottom, ground, floor the bare bed of a dry stream
5. layer, mass, pile, heap, mound Heat the curry thoroughly and serve it on a bed of rice.
1. fix, set, found, base, plant, establish, settle, root, sink, insert, implant, embed The slabs can then be bedded on mortar to give rigid paving.
bed down sleep, lie down, retire, turn in (informal), settle down, kip (Brit. slang), hit the hay (slang) They bedded down in the fields.
go to bed retire, turn in (informal), go to sleep, hit the sack (slang), go to your room, kip down (Brit. slang), hit the hay (slang) I go to bed quite early.
go to bed with someone have sex with, fuck (taboo slang), screw (taboo slang), shag (taboo slang, chiefly Brit.), hump (taboo slang), bonk (informal), have intercourse with, copulate with, ball (taboo slang, chiefly U.S.) Do you really want to go to bed with a girl you don't fancy?
"And so to bed" [Samuel Pepys Diary]
"'Tis very warm weather when one's in bed" [Jonathan Swift Journal to Stella]
"As you make your bed, so you must lie in it"

Types of bed

air bed, bassinet, berth, box bed, bunk, bunk bed, camp bed, captain's bed, cot, couchette, cradle, crib, day bed, divan bed, double bed, feather bed, field bed, foldaway bed, folding bed, four-poster bed, futon, hammock, hospital bed, king-size or king-sized bed, litter, loft bed, Murphy bed (U.S. & Canada), pallet, platform bed, put-u-up, queen-size or queen-sized bed, shake down, single bed, sleigh bed, sofa bed, trestle bed, truckle or trundle bed, twin bed, water bed
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


The lowest or supporting part or structure:
1. To go to bed.Also used with down:
Informal: turn in.
Slang: crash, flop.
2. To provide with often temporary lodging.Also used with down:
3. To engage in sexual relations with:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
، فِراش، سَريرسَريرطَبَقَهقاعمَنْبَتَه، مِزْهَر
sengbedhavbundlaglavere grad i pædagogik
ágyalaprétegmederneveléstudományi végzettség
árfarvegurbeîlagrúmrúm, rekkja
gultagultneguļvietapedagogijas bakalaursslānis
posteljastrugagredamorsko dno
sängbäddgå och lägga siglägga sigrabatt
yatakçiçeklikEğitim Bilimleri Lisans Derecesikatmanöğretmenlik diploması


A. N
1. (= furniture) → cama f
I was in bedestaba en la cama
could you give me a bed for the night?¿me puede hospedar or alojar esta noche?
to get into bedmeterse en la cama
to get sb into bed (= have sex) → llevarse a algn a la cama
to get into bed with sb (fig) (= agree to work together) → aliarse con algn
to go to bedacostarse
to go to bed with sbacostarse con algn
to make the bedhacer la cama
to put a child to bedacostar a un niño
to put a paper to bedterminar la redacción de un número
to stay in bed (because ill) → guardar cama; (because lazy) → quedarse en la cama
to take to one's bedirse a la cama
to get out of bed (on) the wrong side (Brit) get up (on) the wrong side of the bed (US) → levantarse con el pie izquierdo
you've made your bed, now you must lie in or on itquien mala cama hace en ella se yace
2. [of animal] → lecho m
3. [of river] → cauce m, lecho m; [of sea] → fondo m
4. (= flower bed) → arriate m, parterre m; (= vegetable bed) → arriate m; (= oyster bed) → banco m, vivero m
his life's no bed of rosessu vida no es un lecho de rosas
5. (= layer) [of coal, ore] → estrato m, capa f; (in road-building) → capa f (Archit, Tech) → base f
served on a bed of lettuce/riceservido sobre una base de lechuga/arroz
1. (Archit etc) → fijar, engastar
2. (o.f.) [+ woman] → llevar a la cama, acostarse con
C. CPD bed and board Ncomida f y cama, pensión f completa
bed and breakfast Npensión f (con desayuno)
bed bath N (Med) they gave her a bed bathla lavaron en la cama
bed jacket Nmañanita f
bed linen Nropa f de cama
bed of nails Ncama f de clavos
bed rest Nreposo m en cama
bed settee Nsofá-cama m
bed down
A. VI + ADV (= go to bed) → acostarse
B. VT + ADV [+ children] → acostar; [+ animals] → hacer un lecho para
bed out VT + ADV [+ plants] → plantar en un macizo
Se llama Bed and Breakfast a una casa particular de hospedaje tanto en el campo como en la ciudad, que ofrece cama y desayuno a tarifas inferiores a las de un hotel. El servicio se suele anunciar con carteles colocados en las ventanas del establecimiento, en el jardín o en la carretera y en ellos aparece a menudo únicamente el símbolo B&B.
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈbɛd] n
(to sleep on)lit m
in bed → au lit
to be in bed → être au lit, être couché(e)
to go to bed → aller se coucher
to go to bed with sb (= have sex) → coucher avec qn
to get sb into bed (= have sex with sb) → parvenir à coucher avec qn
to make the bed (lit)faire le lit
he's made his bed, now he must lie in it → comme on fait son lit, on se couche
to get out of bed on the wrong side (= wake up in a bad temper) → se lever du pied gauche
[flowers] → parterre m; [fruit, vegetables] → plate-bande f
[coal, clay] → couche f, gisement m
[sea, lake] → fond m
bed down
(= go to bed) [person] → se coucher (= spend night) → coucher
(= become established) [organization] → s'établir
vt sep (= settle) [+ system, arrangement] → implanterbed and breakfast n
(= guest house) → chambre f d'hôte
We stayed in a bed and breakfast → Nous avons logé dans une chambre d'hôte.
(= accommodation and breakfast) → chambre f et petit déjeuner m
How much is it for bed and breakfast? → C'est combien pour la chambre et le petit déjeuner?
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Bett nt; to go to bedzu or ins Bett gehen; to put or get somebody to bedjdn ins or zu Bett bringen; to get into bedsich ins Bett legen; to get into bed with somebody (lit, fig)mit jdm ins Bett gehen or steigen (inf); he couldn’t get her into bed with himer hat sie nicht ins Bett gekriegt (inf); to go to or jump into bed with somebody (inf)mit jdm ins Bett gehen or steigen (inf); to be good in bedgut im Bett sein; he must have got out of bed on the wrong side (inf)er ist wohl mit dem linken Fuß zuerst aufgestanden; to be in bedim Bett sein; (through illness also) → das Bett hüten müssen; a bed of rice (Cook) → ein Reisbett nt; a bed of nailsein Nagelbrett nt; life isn’t always a bed of roses (prov) → man ist im Leben nicht immer auf Rosen gebettet; his life is not exactly a bed of roseser ist nicht gerade auf Rosen gebettet; to make the beddas Bett machen; as you make your bed so you must lie on it (Brit Prov) you make the bed you lie in (US Prov) → wie man sich bettet, so liegt man (Prov); a bed for the nighteine Übernachtungsmöglichkeit; can I have a bed for the night?kann ich hier/bei euch etc übernachten?; to put a newspaper to bed (Press) → eine Zeitung in Druck geben; the paper has gone to bed (Press) → die Zeitung ist im Druck; to put something to bed (fig)bei etw zu einem Abschluss kommen
(of ore)Lager nt; (of coal also)Flöz nt; (of building, road etc)Unterbau m; a bed of clayLehmboden m
(= bottom) (= sea bed)Grund m, → Boden m; (= river bed)Bett nt
(= oyster bed, coral bed)Bank f
(= flower bed, vegetable bed)Beet nt
(= base: of engine, lathe, machine) → Bett nt
plantsetzen, pflanzen
(old, hum, = have sex with) → beschlafen (old, hum)


in cpdsBett-;
bed bath
n(Kranken)wäsche fim Bett; to give somebody a bedjdn im Bett waschen
nWanze f
n (old)Schlafgemach nt (old)
pl (Brit) → Bettzeug nt
n (= bedspread)Tagesdecke f; beds pl (= bedclothes)Bettzeug nt


n to be or make strange beds (fig)eine eigenartige Kombination or ein merkwürdiges Gespann sein
nBettgestell nt
nKopfteil mdes Bettes
bed jacket
nBettjäckchen nt


nBettpfanne or -schüssel f
n (Mech) → Grund- or Fundamentplatte f
nBettpfosten m


n (Brit) → Sofabett nt
bed sheet
nBettlaken nt


nBettschuh m
naufgelegene or wund gelegene Stelle; to get bedssich wund liegen or aufliegen
bed space
n (in hospital, hotel etc) → Bettenzahl f, → Bettenkapazität f
nTagesdecke f
nBettgestell nt
n (Bot) → Labkraut nt
nSchlafenszeit f; it’s bedes ist Schlafenszeit; his bed is 10 o’clocker geht um 10 Uhr schlafen; it’s past your beddu müsstest schon lange im Bett sein
bedtime story
nGutenachtgeschichte f
nBettnässer(in) m(f)
nBettnässen nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˌbiːˈɛd] n abbr =Bachelor of Educationlaurea con abilitazione all'insegnamento


[bɛd] n
to go to bed → andare a letto
to go to bed with sb → andare a letto con qn
to get out of bed → alzarsi dal letto
to get out of bed on the wrong side → alzarsi col piede sbagliato
to make the bed → (ri)fare il letto
to put sb to bed → mettere qn a letto
I was in bed → ero a letto
could you give me a bed for the night? → puoi tenermi a dormire per stanotte?
his life's not a bed of roses → la sua vita non è tutta rose e fiori
b. (of sea, lake) → fondo; (of river) → letto
c. (flower bed) → aiuola
oyster bed → banco di ostriche
vegetable bed → orticello
d. (layer, of coal, ore, clay) → strato; (in roadbuilding) → massicciata
bed out vt + adv (plants) → piantare a intervalli regolari
bed down vi + advsistemarsi (per dormire)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995



(ˌbiː ˈed) , (ˌbiː iː ˈdiː) abbreviation
Bachelor of Education; a first university degree in education or teaching.


(bed) noun
1. a piece of furniture, or a place, to sleep on. The child sleeps in a small bed; a bed of straw.
2. the channel (of a river) or floor (of a sea) etc.
3. a plot in a garden. a bed of flowers.
4. layer. a bed of chalk below the surface.
-bedded suffix
having (a certain number or type of) bed(s). a double-bedded room.
ˈbedding noun
mattress, bedclothes etc.
ˈbedbug noun
a small blood-sucking insect that lives in houses, especially beds.
ˈbedclothes (-kləuðz) , ((American) -kləuz) noun plural
sheets, blankets etc.
ˈbedcover noun
a top cover for a bed.
ˈbedridden adjective
in bed for a long period because of age or sickness. She has been bedridden since the car accident.
ˈbedroom noun
a room for sleeping in.
ˈbedside noun
the place or position next to a person's bed. He was at her bedside when she died; (also adjective) a bedside table.
ˈbedspread noun
a top cover for a bed. Please remove the bedspread before you get into bed.
ˈbedtime noun
the time at which one normally goes to bed. Seven o'clock is the children's bedtime; (also adjective) a bedtime story.
bed and breakfast
lodging for the night, and breakfast only (not lunch or dinner).
bed of roses
an easy or comfortable place, job etc. Life is not a bed of roses.
go to bed
1. to get into bed. I'm sleepy – I think I'll go to bed now; What time do you usually go to bed?
2. (often with with) to have sexual intercourse with; to have a love affair with.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


سَرير postel seng Bett κρεβάτι cama vuode lit krevet letto ベッド 침대 bed seng łóżko cama кровать säng เตียงนอน yatak giường
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. cama, lecho;
___ occupancyocupación de ___ -s;
___ restreclusión en ___;
at bedsidea la cabecera.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n cama, lecho; — rest reposo en cama; hospital — cama de hospital; nail — lecho ungueal; sick — lecho de enfermo, lecho; to stay in — guardar cama; vascular — lecho vascular
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Bed sizes are also related to whether you have a spouse or significant other and whether you both sleep in the same room.
Presses can be produced in sizes from .5 to 1,200 tons, and bed sizes from 6" x 6" to 6' x 12', for molding, laminating, trimming, forming, bonding, sizing and more.
Set includes a duvet, mattress enhancer and pillow, to fit all standard UK cot bed sizes. Suitable for babies aged 12 months plus, priced PS115.
A wide range of bed sizes is always available including king sizes and beds can even be tailor made to fit specific spaces.
Tammy Kelly's SNOWBALL QUILTS: COOL DESIGNS FROM AN EASY BLOCK (1564776964, $21.95) provides eight lovely quilts, from small to large wall and bed sizes, which use easy block patterns for construction.
Three bed sizes. All of them are bigger than the products they replace, as in being longer (up to 10-in.