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(French barnav)
(Biography) Antoine Pierre. 1761–93, French revolutionary. A prominent member of the National Assembly, he was executed for his royalist sympathies
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The prosecutors have charged his girlfriend, Evelyn Barnave, 43, for shooting the man in her car in Crown Heights on Jan.
Toutes les insuffisances sont recensees tels les trous d'aeration du marche de la cite Barnave qui ont ete bouches par un individu qui a erige un commerce de tapis faisant fi des regles de securite et d'architecture.
Era unanime para esses dois grupos a concepcao originalmente desenvolvida por Antoine de Barnave a epoca da Revolucao que dizia que a historia moderna da Franca era norteada pela ascensao das classes medias produtoras (BARNAVE 1960).
Dieudonne Barnave, a BPM official, said: "The most difficult thing for us is when they have false documents for the children to cross the border because we don't have the means of verifying whether these documents are fake or real."
Among Mirabeau's most important recruits were the Duke of Orleans (Philippe Egalite), Brissot, Condorcet, Savalette, Gregoire, Garat, Petion, Babeuf, Barnave, Sieyes, Saint-Just, Desmoulins, Hebert, Santerre, Danton, Marat, Chenier, and just about every other leader in the impending French Revolution.
Jusqu'a la composition du Jeu de Paume et du tableau de Marat, les ouvrages de David peuvent etre consideres comme de nobles jeux de son esprit et de son imagination; mais des que, pousse par l'ouragan evolutionnaire, il mit sur la toile Bailly, Mirabeau, Barnave, Robespierre et enfin Marat, au lieu de consulter les echos vagues et lointains de l'histoire d'Athenes et de Rome, il se sentit tout a coup aux prises avec la realite, avec la vie qu'il voulait exprimer.
Almost simultaneously, Louis XVI summarily dispatches the Chevalier de Sainte-Luce, who has publicly insulted Barnave and other members of the Etats-Generaux, to the same Parisian prison.
Although Joseph Barnave (1761-1793) was one of the greatest leaders of the French Revolution in its early period -- politically powerful, intelligent, pragmatic, and extremely popular with a cross-section of French society -- he has been greatly neglected in both the popular imagination and in the academic study of the Revolution.