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Blessed Mary the Virgin.
[< Latin Beāta Maria Virgō]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Its shares trade on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) under the ticker symbol BIMBO, and in the over-the-counter market in the United States with a Level 1 ADR, under the ticker symbol BMBOY.
Volaris (NYSE: VLRS and BMV: VOLAR), serving Mexico, the United States and Central America, offers low base fares to build its market, providing quality service and extensive customer choice.
It says BMV has awarded the thermal insulation contract on the plant to Thermika - a Polish company which it claims has imported its own labour, on what it suspects are lower terms and conditions than the national rates for the thermal insulation industry.
It has assigned BMV 'F2' Short-Term Foreign- and Local-Currency IDRs and 'AAA (mex)' National Long-Term Rating.
With the addition of these funds, the number of SPDR ETFs listed on the BMV now totals 74.
Easton Pharmaceuticals, a Canada-based pharmaceutical company, has signed a contract with BMV Medica, a Mexico-based regulatory company and distributor of pharmaceutical products, it was revealed yesterday.
This innovative Indiana defensive driving mobile app is an ideal alternative for drivers searching for a BMV approved program that will allow them to study on-the-go.