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abbreviation for
(Pathology) body dysmorphic disorder
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˌbiːdiːˈdiː] n (=body dysmorphic disorder) → dysmorphophobie f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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The addition of Cucumber also strengthens the BDD value-proposition that SmartBear has been building since last year's acquisition of HipTest, another platform for BDD.
However, people with BDD, which mental health professionals locate on the obsessive-compulsive spectrum, fixate on their appearance such that "it will never be good enough," Vashi explains.
Howard Stevens, chairman of BDD, said, 'I am delighted to welcome Jo to the board, she brings a broad range of experience to the role, including significant licensing experience.
In the following report, we describe a challenging case of BDD in an adolescent female.
This can be especially harmful for teens and those with BDD, and it is important for providers to understand the implications of social media on body image to better treat and counsel our patients."
"Having Continental as a BDD member is something we are
People with BDD may also develop compulsive behaviours such as frequently checking their appearance and applying heavy make-up, as well as excessive reassurance seeking.
She recognises BDD is a relatively new phenomenon in the UAE.
En este trabajo se reporta la optimizacion de una tecnica poco usual a nivel de laboratorio de servicio en Ecuador, la Voltamperometria de Redisolucion Anodica de Onda Cuadrada (SWASV, por sus siglas en ingles), en la determinacion cuantitativa de Cd(II), Pb(II) y Hg(II) en aguas estancadas de minas abandonadas del Distrito Minero Portovelo-Zaruma, Provincia de El Oro Ecuador, sobre electrodos de diamante dopado con boro (BDD, por sus siglas en ingles) depositado sobre silicio.
People with BDD deal with symptoms that extend beyond unease when they look in a mirror; They have an ever-present obsession with their looks.
Hydroxyl radical formation is favored on boron-doped diamond (BDD) thin film anodes; this reaction is based on the use of high [O.sub.2] overvoltage anodes favoring heterogeneous hydroxyl radical production, BDD(OH).