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Noun1.Avena - oatsAvena - oats          
plant genus - a genus of plants
family Graminaceae, family Gramineae, family Poaceae, Graminaceae, Gramineae, grass family, Poaceae - the grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals; bamboo; reeds; sugar cane
oat - annual grass of Europe and North Africa; grains used as food and fodder (referred to primarily in the plural: `oats')
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Nicole Avena, a researcher in the department of psychiatry at the University Of Florida College Of Medicine explained in a recent (https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-sugar-affects-the-brain-nicole-avena) TED  talk.
When Don Avena opened his first Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids in Austin, Texas this year, he knew he didn't want to just fit the mold--he wanted to expand and change it.
(Formulation and evaluation of an elaborate biscuit based on quinchoncho (Cajanus cajan) and oats (Avena sativa) as a source of protein and dietary fiber).
Apetit Oyj (HEL:APETI) on Thursday announced that Kaija Viljanen, director of Apetit Group's Grain Trade and Oilseeds business and managing director of Avena Nordic Grain Oy, has announced her decision to retire by the end of 2017.
Rebranded as Avena Carpets Ltd, the Halifax company has now entered a liquidation process.
As can be seen in table 2, exposure of plants of the genus Avena to Cr and Pb reduced biomass production by almost 100%, i.e., there was practically no plant growth (ANDRADE et al., 2009; WYSZKOWSKI & RADZIEMSKA, 2013).
Paul Thomas, of Macaulay AvenA ue, Llanrumney, Cardiff, was given nine years' jail after pleading guilty to conspiracy to supply heroin.
Phenotypic diversity based on morphological traits was estimated in 114 accessions from 25 Avena species.
The rise in prenatal and childhood obesity and the rise in number of youths abusing alcohol and drugs merits looking into all the possible roots of these growing problems," Nicole Avena, PhD, a research neuroscientist with the University of Florida's McKnight Brain Institute, said.