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Related to Authoritativeness: authority figure


 (ə-thôr′ĭ-tā′tĭv, ə-thŏr′-, ô-)
1. Having or arising from authority; official: an authoritative decree; authoritative sources.
2. Of acknowledged accuracy or excellence; highly reliable: an authoritative account of the revolution.
3. Demonstrating authority; commanding: the captain's authoritative manner.

au·thor′i·ta′tive·ly adv.
au·thor′i·ta′tive·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



chapter and verse An authority that gives credence and validity to one’s opinions or beliefs; a definitive source that can be specifically cited. The phrase derives from the Scriptures which are arranged in chapters and verses, thus facilitating easy reference to particular lines. In non-Biblical contexts, chapter and verse is frequently a challenge to produce incontrovertible, detailed evidence for one’s opinions. Figurative use dates from the early 17th century.

She can give chapter and verse for her belief. (William Makepeace Thackeray, The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World, 1862)

ex cathedra Authoritatively, dogmatically, officially; Latin for ‘from the chair.’ Cathedra itself refers to the chair or seat of a bishop in his church. Most specifically, it refers to that of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, who according to church doctrine is infallible when speaking ex cathedra since he is not speaking for himself but as the successor and agent of Saint Peter. More generally cathedra means any seat of office or professorial chair. Anyone speaking from such a seat of power or knowledge would naturally speak with great authority. The phrase dates from at least 1635.

from the horse’s mouth On good authority, from a reliable source, directly from someone in the know; often in the phrase straight from the horse’s mouth. The allusion is to the practice of looking at a horse’s teeth to determine its age and condition, rather than relying on the word of a horse trader.

The prospect of getting the true facts—straight, as it were, from the horse’s mouth—held him … fascinated. (P. G. Wodehouse in Strand Magazine, August, 1928)

in black and white In writing or in print—black referring to the ink, white to the paper; certain, verifiable. Written opinion or assertion is assumed to carry more weight than a verbal one. The phrase has been in use since the time of Shakespeare.

Moreover sir, which indeed is not under white and black, this plaintiff here … did call me ass. (Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing V, i)

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
His person showed marks of habitual neglect, his dress was slovenly; and yet there was something in the presence of the old Squire distinguishable from that of the ordinary farmers in the parish, who were perhaps every whit as refined as he, but, having slouched their way through life with a consciousness of being in the vicinity of their "betters", wanted that self-possession and authoritativeness of voice and carriage which belonged to a man who thought of superiors as remote existences with whom he had personally little more to do than with America or the stars.
The challenges he faced were awesome, but he had the confidence and authoritativeness to cope with them.
It is canonical that only decisions of the Supreme Court En Banc are vested with authoritativeness or precedential character,' read the motion.
Intelligence historian Gill Bennett's easy familiarity with Anglo-Soviet foreign policy and espionage imbues The Zinoviev Letter with impressive authoritativeness, untangling the 1924 "fake news" document from speculation to locate the truth.
In addition, the company's famous PageRank algorithm, developed by co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, plays a role in determining the authoritativeness of a given source.
In the 60 years of her professional activity, her performances have displayed authoritativeness and total control over the roles she plays, a boundless and highly sophisticated generosity, and a healthy dose of the courage and fighting spirit which are a hallmark of her compassionate, artistic nature."
The petitioners say the statutory term "processing" is not expansive enough to cover the separation of river sediment into its component parts, and so they asked us to reject the Department's interpretation of that term.<br />Because resolving this question implicates the authoritativeness of an administrative agency's interpretation and application of a statute, we asked the parties to also address this issue: "Does the practice of deferring to agency interpretations of statutes comport with Article VII, Section 2 of the Wisconsin Constitution, which vests the judicial power in the unified court system?"<br />We conclude that the term "processing" in Wis.
Authoritativeness is essential to viewers, especially during fast-moving, breaking news events, so we've been investing in new product features to prominently surface authoritative sources:
While the effect size recorded for the first two intergenerational differences was moderate, the difference in parental authoritativeness between the two generations displayed a strong effect size.
Selections are based on nine criteria: uniqueness, comprehensiveness, usefulness, quality, authoritativeness, organization, illustrations/ diagrams, competition, and references.
If you cannot assess the authoritativeness of the source, or if you cannot spot the rhetorical games played in a text to manipulate you, you will be easily lead astray.