Austrian blind

Austrian blind

(Furniture) a window blind consisting of rows of vertically gathered fabric that may be drawn up to form a series of ruches
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Austrian or festoon: Once all frills and fuss, the Austrian blind has acquired a more sophisticated, streamlined look.
Run your Austrian blind cord from the bottom brass ring, knotting it securely and up through the other rings then through and along the net wire eyes to whichever edge you want the cord to hang.
Run your Austrian blind cord from the bottom brass ring (knotting it securely) up through the other rings and through and along the net wire eyes to whichever edge you want the cord to hang.
You also require safety pins, a staple gun, or panel pins or self-adhesive Velcro, Austrian blind cord, screw eyes and a brass hook or cleat.
All you need is fabric glue, a packet of safety pins, a length of braid, panel pins or brass tacks, self-adhesive velcro, two screw eyes, a brass hook and some Austrian blind cord.
Screw in net wire eyes in line with the punched holes on to the top baton, then, using Austrian blind cord, string the blinds up, stapling the cord to the bottom baton, then passing it through all the holes to the top.
"You use a strip of Austrian blind tape up the centre, thread your string pull through rings, and then when you pull the blind up, it goes into a pretty fan pleat.
Also available are Austrian Blinds, Roman blinds and loose covers.
'AFTER 25 years of putting up with a smattering of wallpaper, some old-fashioned Austrian blinds and no real carpet to speak of, it was a fantastic feeling to rip out the old bedroom.
We might be inspired by the psychedelic 60s again soon - and then even Austrian blinds might not seem quite so bad.
Besides, those blasted Austrian blinds took an age to hoist up and down.
Looking through people's windows now you wouldn't think that even just 10 years ago your only real high street option of shutting your neighbours out was net curtains or Austrian blinds a and net curtains were tagged with all kinds of stereotypical assumptions ( curtain-twitching for instance.
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