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Politico-religious Islamic sect sponsoring murder of opponents c.1094–c. 1256.
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References in classic literature ?
Pinocchio, not having listened to the good advice of the Talking Cricket, falls into the hands of the Assassins
He tried in vain to remember the faces or dress of the assassins; he had escaped so rapidly that he had not had leisure to notice anything.
"They do not want my papers," said Monte Cristo, "they want to kill me; they are no robbers, but assassins. I will not allow the prefect of police to interfere with my private affairs.
Sometimes, however, as in the affair of the assassins of Petit-Jean, the headsman of Paris, and in that of Emery Rousseau, the murderer of Jean Valleret, justice overleaped the church and passed on to the execution of its sentences; but unless by virtue of a decree of Parliament, woe to him who violated a place of asylum with armed force!
I believe yes!--an,' Mr Baptist crept closer again to whisper it, 'Assassin!'
"Will what I say make any difference?" asked the Convicted Assassin.
As for me, I was sitting on a chair, having finished my work and, looking at him, I said to myself: "What a man!--what intelligence!--what knowledge!" I attach importance to the fact that we made no noise; for, because of that, the assassin certainly thought that we had left the place.
You did well, and I am proud of you." Then he added mournfully, "But I wish I could have been saved the shame of meeting an assassin on the field on honor."
is heard to snore, and every assassin is made a ghost and,
d'Herblay wished to carry out his character of an assassin, he could very easily have assassinated your majesty this morning in the forest of Senart, and all would have been over." The king started.
There was something so methodical and so incomprehensible about the deeds of this unknown assassin, that it imparted a fresh ghastliness to his crimes.
Not for some far-off kinsman, but myself, Shall I expel this poison in the blood; For whoso slew that king might have a mind To strike me too with his assassin hand.